Fix this **** already! D:

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. Campagne

    I haven't played PS2 in a while, because my launcher wouldn't work.

    For some reason it actually did its job today, so I was able to download an update and play. Was at a biolab for a while which was fun, but there were loads of VS killing me instantly and passing through walls while not dying to me until they'd rounded a corner. Glad to see the servers have rebounded since I was last able to play. (According to the game my ping was pretty OK, what I normally play with.)

    Then, I went to Esamir for a few minutes. Spawned, then couldn't fire or change weapon or anything for about 20 seconds, which sucked as the sunndy which didn't render that I spawned at was being attacked. About half a minute later there was just a massive TR overpop, but that's not really anyone's fault, I just went to a different fight.

    But then, not even 30 seconds after I spawned I was randomly shot at while cloaked by some BR 8 nub with his semi-auto rifle. I thought some idiot was standing behind me or something, until I was completely alone for the next two times that he started spam-firing at where I was standing. (While cloaked. I'm also not an idiot so don't think that I stood there then cloaked and didn't move or anything...)

    I mean come on though. Finally seemed to have fixed the launcher issue (for me at least), but the servers are even worse than before. Maybe the guy was in the process of being banned or something, but he shouldn't have been able to run an ESP in the first place. Who cares about balance when the game is functioning so poorly? :eek:

    TL : DR I hate this game because it sucks. (But it's also super fun, which make this tragedy all the worse.)
  2. BrbImAFK

    Are you on Briggs or something? I'm not trying to put down your experience or anything, but I honestly don't see anything like this nearly as often as you seem to be experiencing it... not gonna pretend the servers are great or anything, and I still think they should upgrade the hamster to a guinea pig, but my actual game experience is fine.
  3. Campagne

    Nah, Miller. I wish one could just select the server they want to play on after selecting their character, like most other MMOs.

    Good that you're not having these problems. This is one of my favourite games, but I haven't been able to play it for a couple of months now. :confused:
  4. BrbImAFK

    Huh... I play on Miller too. How odd! Are you sure your net-connection is up to snuff? Afraid that's the best I can do. My knowledge of technical-computer-gibbereze-speak-stuff is.... well..... "limited" is probably the politest way to put it! :D

    On the server selection thingy.... what games are you playing?! I've never played a single MMO where my characters weren't bound to the server I created them on, and I've played quite a lot of 'em over the years!
  5. Campagne

    Huh. I'm probably even less technical than you are if not the same, so I have no idea why that might be.

    My normal connection is pretty good, don't often have any issues loading webpages or 1080p youtube videos or anything. Other online games work well. (Or at least, the connection is good. *Cough The Division cough*)

    Well, truth be told I don't often play many MMOs, but on Warframe one can change their server on the fly, just through the options menu. (I do recall being able to do that on other games though, maybe.)
  6. Dualice

    I got on to the game for the first time in a while this week (I'm back on my humble laptop so don't usually have the means) and had similar issues on Cobalt. Despite the UI saying the ping was fine (50-60ms) there seemed to be considerable problems with hit detection. More than once I'd take a few stray bullets, toon would flinch but I'd take no health/shield damage at all. Worked the other way 'round too, it seemed to take wayyy more rounds than usual to kill other planetmans, and I don't *think* I'm that rusty :D

    I really like that feature on Warframe. Have been playing that a little again too - my laptop can just about run it :p
  7. DeadlyOmen

    Poor internet performance is poor.
  8. Campagne

    Yeah, sounds just like my issues. I do hope the fix these (for me at least) game-breaking issues soon.

    I hope you have a wireless mouse for that! I can imagine WF being quite difficult at times with only a trackpad. :eek:
    • Up x 1
  9. Vargas78

    Same, the game ran fine in November and early December. I then uninstalled it for a while and tried to reinstall it in late January but it didn't work. I did start a ticket but because hard drive space was at a premium i uninstalled it to install battlefield 4 instead, but now i miss Planetside2 and tried install it again and its not working.

    The funny thing is, just after i installed it it ran fine and i played for about half an hour. I thought it had fixed itself, but when i tried load it later in the day im getting the same launcher problems as i had before. I have a new ticket set up incidentally but its not good. At least the twitter page for daybreak seems to be acknowledging a problem, it seems it affects HZ1Z (probably spelled that wrong) too