[Suggestion] Fix the TR or the NC & VS to Match

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Valkar, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Valkar

    Okay putting this quite simply, the TR have the Vulcan, Stryker & Fracture making them down right the most dominating and easiest faction to play now. I have a level 28 TR and I speak from experience that playing TR is far too easy now compared to VS and NC.

    They can match any tank/air force with Stryker's alone, now with Vulcans as strong as they are and Fracture maxes STILL doing better vs infantry than the NC scattermax, they simply have no weak point. Not to mention that on the vast majority of servers they have the largest population by far.

    So when are they going to be fixed or make some tweaks to the NC and VS to match them?
  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    You forgot to mention the marauder.
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  3. P4NJ

  4. Valkar

    The Vulcan in VR takes out a Lib, Harrasser, ESF, MBT & Lightings in 1 clip (from behind on tanks) 1.5 clips on Galaxies. The Vulcan is currently insane making the Harrasser the new TR favourite toy.

    Striker* is far too easy to use not to mention its missiles cannot be shaken using terrain it follows you and even passes through solid objects (bug).

    The Fracure max has range and can take on Armour, Maxes, Infantry and Air with no loss of performance.

    Marauder also amazing.

    I cannot think why the TR have been so obviously buffed so much recently whilst both the NC and VS suffer endless nerfs. The TR Population continues to rise whilst the VS and NC fall.

    This needs urgent attention because its driving people away from the game more than the early days of lolpodding did!
  5. Wulfen109

    im sorry but the VS and NC are not on equal levels. NC is far below you in terms of balance
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  6. P4NJ

    Boy, you sure do whine a lot... the only thing that needs fixing is lockon tracking, that's all. You also conveniently ignore what the other factions have that is strong while only pointing out what the TR have that is strong.

    But what could I have expected, it is patch day after all. All the whiners get online on patch day.

    Of course, if you have legitimate arguments on how the TR is supposedly overpowered that isn't anecdotal, I'll gladly engage you in a debate on the subject.
  7. Tommyp2006

    Jokes on you, the vulcan just got fixed this patch.

    Striker needs changed to require a constant lock. Fracture shpuld require 5-6 direct hits to kill infantry.
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  8. Valkar

    For infantry gameplay I agree the NC lack long range abilities. The Scatter Max is still good and the Vanguard is pretty awesome but that's about all the NC have going for them. I'm ignoring the TR above though, they will clearly sit there and defend everything and pretend like the Fracture, Striker and Vulcan are not OP but I guess many of us would in their position, I mean look at how the VS tried to defend the ZOE right? :)
  9. WaiZen

    You guys should stop talking about the NC... We have... erm... the best faction color.
    On topic:
    I rarely see any fractures on WoodMan, it may be cause of the TR low-pop. Anyway, I never pull any vehicles when fighting the TR, it's
    InstaBoomlockons everywhere.