Fix the Saron

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dethonlegs, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. Dethonlegs

    Dear SOE,

    Please fix the Saron. Make it an upgrade over the Halberd. Players who know what they are doing stopped using it LONG ago.

    We know you are busy with optimizations at the moment, but by doing something as simple as reducing/eliminating Saron COF (or something else - we don't care) you can make it competitive once more.

    Oh yeah, while your at it, please reduce the god awful Supernova FPC drop.


    Vanu tankers
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  2. DashRendar

  3. MilitiaMan

    I love the Saron.

    Trade you for the Enforcer!
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  4. W0rthy

    As a VS player i have to say that the Saron seems quite fine, it is better for closer ranges now like the vulcan, rather than being a straight upgrade to the halberd. So that each of them have their use.

    the FPC drop seems fine aswell, it is a balance offset of the mobility and no recoil on the primary weapon.

    Sorry but have to be fair.
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  5. W0rthy

    Vanguards with enforcer secondaries scare me, that continued damage makes it really hard to get away/repair. It shouldn't be downplayed..
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  6. IamDH

    Seem fine tbh
  7. huller

    Ballance according to the VS.
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  8. Phaze

    Halberds with max reload laugh at Enforcers. It took me a while to realize this, but now that I have.. my crewed Vanguard is significantly more powerful - and it can easily instagib infantry, too!
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  9. MilitiaMan

    Saron is a sniper rifle for AV, IT shouldn't be downplayed.
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  10. W0rthy

    Eh no, that's the halberd man. The Saron USED to be a sniper. But with 6 rounds and 425 damage per hit and substantial bloom, that is not the case anymore.
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  11. Cinnamon

    Give TR prowler the saron you can have vulcan any day.
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  12. Blippy

    I would love the Vulcan on the Harasser.
  13. Cinnamon

    Nope. MBT only. :oops:
  14. Blippy

    I'd still take it. If I want to destroy vehicles I'd take the Saron. If I want to destroy vehicles and infantry I'd take the Vulcun.
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  15. Dethonlegs

    It's the COF that breaks it. At distance you need to pace your shots so much that Saron DPS is stupid low. Halberd is so much better here.

    In close versus vehicles, COF doesn't matter, you can spam away - it shines here and is a little better than the Halberd.

    In close versus infantry it's super frustrating. 1st shot is a hit, second is like that scene from Kill Bill? where that dude dumps an entire clip at point blank and still manages to miss. It's not the lack of aim, the crosshair is centred, but timing the COF. Halberd is better here as you aim once and kill once.

    In an MBT engagement, versus anyone with a hint of skill, Magriders will loose every time in close. Halberd is the better all round choice.
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  16. UberBonisseur

    If the Halberd was wire-guided, it'd solve the problems of Saron/Enforcer/Halberd competing in the same category.
  17. Dethonlegs

    If you could control the Halberd trajectory then that would make it even more of an obvious first choice over the Saron. That's not my preference.
  18. UberBonisseur

    Not necessarily.

    Harassers would have a hard time using it on the move and keep enemies in their crosshairs
    It would be better at long range, but not more than the halberd against stationary targets, and not much more than a Saron in terms of velocity, or Enforcer in terms of damage.

    Numbers can be tweaked either way, but I think diversity = better.
    Or even a lock-on.
  19. treeHamster

    The problem with the Saron is that they made it a short range weapon on a tank that fails HARD at short range combat. I don't like how they made the Enforcer functionally the same as the Saron.
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  20. teks

    No, it used to be. Thats why we hate it.

    Halberd si the sniper rifle for AV.

    I had a post post long ago about this, and had some backs and forths, but the important thing to us is this..
    Its not that the saron is UP. Its that we don't like it. Its a bad design, and a bad mechanic, and few gunners can actually use it. We want the saron looked at and rethought. I would happily sacrifice DPS if they would get rid of that stupid COF.

    We want a saron much closer to the old saron.
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