Fix the Ignore Function or...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Littleman, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Littleman

    Ban ANONfight.

    That's right, I'm breaking taboo, I don't care at this point if I lose my forum privileges over this one little instance of naming and shaming, if it gets DBG's moderators to do their f***ing jobs, it'll be worth it. I'm tired of listening to this guy's $#!% every time I want to play.

    I've added him to the ignore list. I've held my command button over him and it said "unmute" suggesting I shouldn't be hearing his toxic vitriol over VoiP. Yet, I am.

    WATCH/LISTEN to him, BAN him. Ignore isn't working, and I'm not about to mute all VoiP just so I don't have to hear this guy carry on and on about every little thing that pisses him off. There are folks that use their mics for constructive purposes. Even if /ignore WERE working, he really shouldn't be playing to begin with. Fairly sure any TR on Emerald can back me up on this.

    Seriously, I can't be then only one reporting this guy for harassment. Time and time again. Do something.
    • Up x 1
  2. Ximaster

    Slap their face...
  3. FateJH

    /ignore is a text chat-only function. It doesn't interact with the VoIP subsystem.

    In your case, the accurate wording would be "Enhance the Ignore Function or ..." not "fix [it]."

    The failure to mute him, however, is not something normal. Check all available channels and manually toggle his entry on the Social->Voice and Chat tab. Also, try reseting the VoIP subsystem by toggling the "Enable Voice" checkbox in the Settings->Voice tab. If you have already tried these, I apologize for suggesting obvious measures.
  4. Foxirus

    They need to become more strict on the entire command system as well. I am getting damn sick of seeing people post things like "I dare all the girls to push creme pies in their face and post on youtube" or using it to try and trick new players into team killing. One player even went so far as to say "Head shots give pumpkin seeds, Doesn't even matter if its a friendly headshot. You still get seeds."

    They need to start revoking command chat privileges for people who abuse it.
  5. ModsFreeAreForTV

    Oh man a lot of those are gold lmao... Please keep them in the game.