Fix tanks...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Duff_Chimp

    Getting pretty bored of tanks currently. I never minded lockon launchers because A) i had warning and B) i could use smoke. But with the current proliferation of AV turrets and Phoenixes (don't mind Lancer because at least you can see where it is coming from) has decreased my average lifespan significantly.

    Sure i use cover and are normally very cautious, but tanks don't have many options when faced with threat. Face the threat and deal with it or die, or run away which normally involves death from exposing your rear. The problem i keep having is always finding that critical number of heavies and engineers that will destroy your tank before you can really do anything.

    It isn't my intention to go looking for this, but it always finds me when in a tank. So my questions are what is the point of a tank in large scale battles?

    I'm pretty sure other land vehicles have similar problems with survivability even the sunderer with much better armor than my tank... :(
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  2. Johalt

    Yeah, I've honestly just stopped using my prowler. With the bugs with the AV turret and how effective the new VS and NC launchers are its a waste of resources and just feeds them easy xp. I feel more vulnerable in my MBT then on foot.
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  3. Jex =TE=

    Vehicles are dead on PS2 - the infantry whined too much until vehicles became nothing more than a slight irritation to them. SOE should have limited the number that could be spawned at once but no, they made them OP as they should be but then let everyone spawn them and they did and they took advantage of the easy kills.

    Every OP vehicle or weapon has had exactly the same, people taking advantage of it until it get's nerfed. Now we have infantry that tanks run away from - how ridiculous is that! Rocket pods on ESF's are worthless (And no I was never a pilot).

    Basically if it gets in the way of the players that can't stand to be more than 5 seconds away from a fight, it gets nerfed.
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  4. Johalt

    I wouldn't say rocket pods on ESF's are worthless, but I do seem to stick to being on the ground a lot more then I used to. Vehicles just don't seem worthwhile anymore, I generally only use armor resources for pulling sundys now and air resources just to quickly travel to another location.
  5. Cinnamon

    Ehh, vehicles are still used and are useful.

    ESF in particular have a teflon coating protection against nerfs. Nerf rocket pods again and again, they are still the single best vehicle weapon upgrade in the game.

    But with tanks there is the feeling when you pull one that it's just dumb luck that you will be able to do something before being facerolled by an engineer turret or a rocket podder if you split off from the zerg.
  6. Mxiter

    Until vehicles are so easy to get, they will be easy to destroy.
    If SOE nerf the ressources income, the vehicles cost or the vehicle timer (many are alredy well certed) no problems about give sunderers,tanks,libbies and galaxies 40-50% more HP.

    Actually, a 1 manned vehicle is still more powerful than an infantry.
    This "balance" is badly the one way to limit the previously vehicles spam.

    Personally i think giving to offensive vehicle (lighting to 300 ressources and MBT/libs to 400 ressources) longer timers/makes them more expensive and give them more life could worth.
  7. Eisler

    Indeed I hardly role out anymore in those coffins... It makes me sad really. There are so many other things that could be done to balance out vehicle combat
  8. Duff_Chimp

    They already increased the timers once. I think the main issue is that people all pull them at the same time and zerg with them, tweaking resources and cooldowns isn't going to penalize anyone but the people who actually use them the most. The irony of the recent splash nerf is that is actually takes less shots to kill a tank than it does to kill a heavy assault...
  9. Crashsplash

    I am in two minds on this.

    Earlier today I could not keep my tank alive on Esamir (just outside the WG looking South) and neither could the rest of TR. Tanks were being exploded all over the place. Eventually I ran out of resources.

    However, earlier I had several good runs with my prowler and overall, I can't fully recall my k:d but it was around 4, nothing to complain about.

    Other people were complaining though, they may not have been as lucky as I had been.

    However, recently I've been thinking there's something wrong with HEAT (I only use HEAT). If there's a soldier up close a close miss doesn't damage him it seems, it has to be a direct hit and kill. When the soldier is close a direct hit is quite hard.

    But, when the squishie is farther away a not very close miss will often produce a kill! It's as if the the shell has a fuse and the fuse isn't active unless the shell travels a certain distance. Just a feeling, I can't be certain if it's correct or not.
  10. Beartornado

    I only ever pull my lightning. For a cheap 1-man tank option its small enough and mobile enough to work around everything trying to kill it. It's really just MBTs that suck because SOE has the time to nerf their weapons but doesn't have the time to make them 3-man vehicles. They built the MBT such that it only needs 1 player to use it to great effect and as a result they've nerfed it such that it's just as bad as a 1-player lightning. It's not even a glass cannon anymore, it just a glass target.

    Dedicated driver, primary gunner, and secondary gunner. Turn an MBT into the ground form of Liberator and then you can restore it to its former glory. Require a driver be in the driver seat in order for guns to be used.
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  11. Hosp

  12. DanMan3395

    Yeah the game got destroyed by the call of duty`ers that whine more than they play the game. Sad indeed.
  13. Keiichi25

    The thing is... People forget this is suppose to be a Combined Arms game. Tanks are suppose to be there, yes, but it should be supported by infantry. Thing is, most people push with tanks, ignoring the infantry support. Infantry, while 'squishy' in comparison to tanks, the thing is, they are also the most versatile of the ground forces and why they are still heavily relied upon more than armor. Any push against a place should be backed by infantry, but the way infantry plays here is 'run and die'... Rushing to be Rambo against other infantry, not trying to cover or defend things. Which again has been a major problem in this game is the defending of things, people only do it if they want.

    The Tank Killing Infantry will hurt tanks, because it is a specialized task. And that generally is suppose to be taken out by infantry.
  14. Duff_Chimp

    I remember when aircraft and tanks used to be able to kill infantry effectively...
  15. Badgered

    Vehicles are as effective as they should be in proportion to the amount of people required to use them.

    MBTs can be stronger when they require a crew to use. Until then they should be just as strong as Lightnings which are fairly well balanced. ESFs are the Lightnings of the sky and are as strong as they need to be. Liberators are well balanced with regards to damage output and survivability for a crewed vehicle.

    This is a team based game and vehicles should reflect that. If you want stronger vehicles you had better be willing to depend on others. For those of you that don't like that idea... pull a Lightning or ESF.
  16. BengalTiger

    Well, having a damage given/damage taken ratio of 3:1 I'd say tanks don't suck.

    There is however, a weapon that has unlimited ammo, hits like a Vanguard's AP round, has guidance after launch requiring just about zero knowledge about ballistics to use and is free to deploy every 10 seconds if that wasn't enough. That's where the problem lies.

    I often survive encounters with these guys only because of a quick reaction and shielding up- the second of which is Vanguard specific. Most encounters either end with a draw (no kills for anyone), or with me shooting an abandoned turret.

    I assume that unshielded tanks will not have the ability to practically double their lifetime under fire from 2-3 of these, and no tank has a 33% damage modifier other than a Vanguard pointing its upgraded front towards the enemy- so I am a bit biased here and a draw for me is a guaranteed loss for a regular tank...
  17. GSZenith

    only place i've lived for more than 5min (apart from when zerg vs 1guy) is the south west area of indar hiding behind trees, thats about it, anywhere else, thunk thunk thunk booom...AV turret has killed you 900m away! have a nice day.
  18. Bloodskull

    I'm in full agreement with this. Tanks are kind of a joke now because of all of the new weapons, cannon nerfs, and timer increases. I just think they need to have better armor to combat the new threats.