Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mystogan, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Mystogan

    Seriously, you can't play this game on Miller right now! 288 up to even 868 ping all the time!! You can't repair vehicle since it do not register, you can't hit enemy armor with guns, since shots won't register.

    Half of my tank shots and my gunner do not regiser. Lighting in front of me is burning. I shot him 3 times from AP Titan, no register, my gunner full magazine from Engorcer, 1 shot registered!

    That is bull****

    And fix hit detection after reload, it wasn't that bad even in past! Even if ping is 60-100 if I shot immiedietly or short after reload half my shots do not register damage (I see it since I have and my gunner Enhanced Targeting).

    That needs to be fixed. During prime time it is almost impossible to play. At least on Miller.
    • Up x 3
  2. Raap

    Yup, game is unplayable. High ping and completely broken hit detection. It's been happening for a few days now but today it's been consistently unplayable.

    They probably ran out of funding to keep the servers running smoothly, maybe they shouldn't be so reckless with their customer support, they lost quite a few subscribers recently.
  3. patrykK1028

    I feel those threads are bull****.
    When 100000 people were complaining about Cobalt ping, I had no problems at all (lel I even had the best ping this time - around 70-90).
    I had hit detection problem once for 30min after some update. And once I couldnt hit Harasser but he was hacker probably (4 AP hits, some other guys hit him too and nobody damaged him)
  4. Sir.Rip Yo Fezz Off

    I have no issues. Same ping as i always had, and my hits hit more than in most games today
  5. Despia

    I have those issues. Fix for now: do not use reload-time upgrade on weapons, tested and works, but SOE didnt fix'd that and the MAX bug (revived (as a MAX) as a light assault with MAX-suit and extreme HP), didn't know how long we have to wait... :(
  6. Pikachu

    I really wonder why ping and hit detection issues has been so frequent in 2014. I hardly remember that happening before. o_O
  7. Copasetic

    Yeah obviously those 100000 people are wrong, not you. :rolleyes:

    I had the same problems as the OP yesterday during an alert. Repairs flat out wouldn't work, hits weren't registering all over the place, ping was jumping from 150 to 800. At one point I had 3 engineers repairing my MAX for a good 5 seconds, when I walked away from them I had the same health as I did before they started.
  8. Movoza

    Wauw! Such a great idea! The dev's probably weren't working on this from the moment the problems occured! I expect the problems to be fixed within a week now that this has been adressed on the forums!