Fix camouflage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Facta, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Facta

    A few months ago an update came out that quietly changed how camouflage covers you.

    This is what camouflage was like pre-change.


    It's nice, even, consistent, and overall pleasurable to the eye.

    This is what it is like now.


    It is very inconsistent and on any non-default armor the pattern is different.

    I only bring this up because in the weeks/months following the change, I have hardly seen anyone mention it.

    Please revert the changes so the camo we've paid so much money for isn't an eyesore.
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  2. Phyr

    The texture size was wrong, that's why it looked like that. They fixed it.
  3. Facta

    It doesn't look fixed to me. It either needs to have small patterns or large ones. Having both looks inconsistent and half finished.
  4. Phyr

    The most effective camouflage is random and inconsistent. :cool:
  5. Facta

    That's really no excuse.
  6. Phyr

    It's totally an excuse. Not my fault if you don't like it.
  7. Facta

    Why are you running damage control on this? Do you like having the stuff you paid money for made worse with no explanation to why?
  8. Phyr

    It's worse in your opinion. My opinion could be completely different.
  9. Facta

    Then what is your opinion? Tell me what you think of having two different camouflage patterns on your character model.
  10. Phyr

    It looks fine.
  11. WyrdHarper

    I agree that it looks really weird on the composite armor--the mixing of texture sizes is a bit bizarre. For some camos it looks fine, but for other ones it results in some really odd clashes.
  12. Inex

    While they're at it, increase the faction color coverage on the helmets and arms, so that Black Scales try-hard camo doesn't completely obscure a players faction while their gun is covering the identifying chestpiece.
  13. Facta

    I think it's alright for NC and TR. TR have the glowing red bits and wide swathes of red all over. NC have big blue blocks and yellow. VS are the only ones that completely disappear at night or lose their faction "colors" (I don't think car tire black should be their faction color) when they put on Indar/Amerish/Esamir or black camoflage.
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  14. Inex

    They're all bad. Some moreso than others. Your HA pic at the top is near the best I've ever seen for this, with red strips on the shoulderpads, and I'll give you the fact that some of the VS armors are just pure black.

    Just remember that in most situations the only faction colors people can see are the boot stripes, and whatever shoulder/helmet stripes survive the camo. The chest is usually covered by the arms/gun, and the back will have whatever faction pack they get. There a few backpacks which are easy to ID (VS Medic, for example), but generally the only hint that a player isn't on your team is the absence of a dorito. It's habit for experienced players to notice, but new players won't pick up on it before they die and really busy fights have so many HUD elements that it takes makes ids confusing.
  15. Kristan

    They have finally increased amount of texture tiling. Good! Now camo looks like camo, not like two-colored blotch. Yet they'd better reduce amount of tiling on weapons, that's too much for such tiny model.
  16. Skooma Lord

    I'd much rather have camouflage patterns act differently on player characters. I would rather have the main color of the camo to be the color of the person's clothing.Just a solid color. (or just keep the original color) The armor should have the camo pattern. Or the other way around. Maybe a primary and secondary camo would work.
    I.M.O. the camos on the player characters right now all look like they were spray painted or paint was just splattered all over them. Just looks weird to me. The V.S. look a little better with camo patterns right now than the others I.M.O.

    Here is a quick example:
    The leaves are the camouflage.