First the Lynx/MCG and now the Striker, Vulcan and Marauder reworks? Are SOE ignoring the VS and NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. FocusLight

    If you say so.

    I will agree to disagree and move on to more productive matters, my opinion has been made public here anyway.
  2. Yeahy

    You aren't supposed to deploy right when you see an enemy tank. Prowler is a high dps artillery tank. If they can even get close to you while your deployed, you're doing something wrong.
    Long range magrider sucks too because even if you can strafe enemy shells, its not like you can hit them with your main cannon anyways.
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  3. Goretzu

    It's very decent, but it's plain not as good as the Repeater, and the Mag-scatter isn't really high damaging (it has high DPshot, but not exceptionally high DPsecond or low TTK).
  4. GhostAvatar

    Nope, that trait has only really happened recently with the Lynx and TORQ. Before that it was high DPS with worse horizontal recoil.

    OK, so carbines then. TR dont get faster reloads, next.

    But lets cut to the real issue here. Does VS need a revamp, yes it does. Everything isn't fine with VS as a faction. But using TRs well earned revamp to try and tag onto it isnt the way to do. Hell the title of the thread reads as faction hate and will stir up negative comment in a non constructive way. Crying that another faction is getting some love, after well over a year of the Ultimate TR revamp thread, isn't going to make the devs jump to someones every word.

    If I was a dev and reading this, I would simply dismiss it as QQing and faction bashing. Unlike the Ultimate TR thread, which I know they watched very closely. Using this whole tactic of, if TR are getting some thing then we should also, isn't going to win any favors. And as it stand, half this thread is full of 'woe is me' and bashing TR.
  5. Ztiller

    The TR RoF trait exists in literally all weapons categories. Sidearms, SMGs, ESFs, MBTs, LMGs, ESHW, Secondaries. The TR have the fastest firing in all categories.
  6. GhostAvatar

    Go back and re-read what I quoted. Stop seeing what you only want to see. RoF AND lower damage per bullet. P.S. read what Flag wrote, try and keep it to infantry weapons.
  7. Gary

    Firing whilst deploying means you experience the long reload. This results in you having a longer wait time after deploying before firing. It is considered bad and lowers DPS to fire whilst in the process of deploying. You fire, Then deploy then fire. biggest bonus to anchor is the faster reload time. Firing into deploy again gives you longer reload without the projectile bonus.
  8. Goretzu

    Well in general high RoF & lower damage per bullet, but usually slightly higher DPS as well (and bigger magazine size).

    However high DPS isn't a TR trait, so much as a by-product of TTK through the reality of bullets to kill (the Lynx 2.0 for example has lower DPS, but comparable TTK).
  9. cruczi

    If deploying takes 3 seconds and reload takes between 2.0 and 2.5 seconds depending on certs, then surely you can deploy first, fire, and have your next rounds chambered as soon as you're finished deploying. In fact, I do this all the time in my Prowler.
  10. nubery

    How about NC maxs get a gauss option.
  11. jiggu

    They should just redesign mattocks(long range ones, right?) to come standard with slugs and a bit less drop. As long as they're not named shotguns everyone would love 'em
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  12. Goretzu

    Well (if you're looking to Mercy/Blueshift them) and give them 150ms more velocity, -0.5 CoF and reduce the reload speed to ~1 second (to give them the same % reloading time). :eek: I don't think that is a good idea though (because it would be horribly unbalanced) as opposed to a 167 or 200 DPbullet gauss.

    Although tbh if they were messing with any NC AI MAX weapon it should be the Scattercannon, it is literally pointless currently as something else is alway better.
  13. Bankrotas

    I'm fine with you whining about damage, but don't ******* do a scene about Pulsar C when it's the lowest horizontal recoil automatic weapon in the game.
    It's not a downgrade from Merc in any way, when it is buffed up a bit, then you P-C can be bumped to 600 rpm (which I'd be fine with; and I'd be fine with VS having all 4 tiers of weapons, you will still suck because you're Vanu)
  14. Flag

    In that case (as is part of Ztiller's point), why only do TR? Sure TR may need it, but so do VS (NC to a lesser extent IMO, they have the most well rounded set of weapons as it is).
    Oh and the reason I personally don't want to compare RoF for the vehicles is that unlike infantry the platforms perform differently based on which faction they belong to. Which isn't the case for meat bags.

    At any rate, part of the issue here is that TR already have seen improvements and new additions to some of their arsenal, while the VS for example have not. Spiker you say? Please, you know that gun is tragic.

    Consider it a balance point.
    If the reload was activated the moment the deploy started VS and NC wouldn't really have any time to react.
    Something I personally believe they should keep given the absurd strength of Anchor.
  15. gibstorm

    ohh good, they are different levels of crap and you should take something else cause it's better.
  16. GhostAvatar

    Who says it is only TR that is going to get attention. Higby has already stated in his stream that he also wants to pay some attention to VS and some of the ideas they are bouncing around. But the devs only have a limited amount of resources and manpower. TR stuff has passed the discussion stage and is now starting to be implemented. What do you think they are going to do afterwards, once they have also finished discussing the ideas for VS. People here can either help or hinder that process. Hindering it is only going to have a knock on effect to things they want to develop further down the line.

    I dont have an issue with the core concept of this thread and wanting further development for VS. Only in the way it has been done, trying to be a hinderance to the process. And the things TR have been begging for over a year now.
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  17. Flag

    That still doesn't explain why it's so much TR now, and why there's so little for NC and especially for VS.

    Give TR new/interesting stuff? Great.
    Giving only TR new/interesting stuff? Not as great.
  18. Goretzu

    It is strange, the NC for example have had (in the history of the game) underperforming stuff for long periods, but they've never had a massive buff patch.

    The supposed "NC buff patch" actually buffed 2 minor things on the NC and nerfed a lot of TR and VS things down to NC level.

    It's actually a bit reminicent of the Commissar Hat issue....... still no equiverlent for VS and NC. :confused:
  19. AdmiralArcher

    wait wait wait wait wait........

    ummm....i want to see that math
  20. AdmiralArcher

    the VS got a big update a while back to improve their look and feel and some of their weapons......the NC is really the only faction that hasnt truely had their own update, probably because NC weapons are pretty decent......people complain about them....but not to the extent that people complain about TR and VS weapons