Finally having a long range weapon ~

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRunDown, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. TheRunDown

    Finally having a long range weapon on TR has made this game so much easier and being able to deal with Spawn camping vehicles is a god send!

    The general tactic, though it's nothing than a meat grinder, is for the enemy team to swarm the TR with AMSs, and not even well hidden AMSs and deploy them as close as possible to the spawn room and objectives. It's a massacre, and widely used on Miller.

    Since the Gatekeeper came out, I've experienced less double teaming and being able to progress in situations that was only a weakness to the TR, I can see TR being no longer the go to Empire to farm, during events and those low pop times.

    I'm hoping TR will get a secondary ES Ability, something we can use instead of Anchor Mode.. Something like the MCG's addon, something like the Ballistic Rapid Refire Toggle, so we can use our tanks in the front lines, cause I'm quite sure the majority of TR use Fire Extinguisher or Smoke screen. I suppose NC and VS should get a new one too :)
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  2. SwornJupiter

    I think new ES tank abilities were suggested before, but people realised how absurdly gamebreaking theywould be.
    From memory:
    VS got a 'phase' ability which turned the magrider invisible for 6 seconds
    TR got an 'overcharge' ability which slightly increased fire rate and reload speed, but you didn't need to be deployed and it would not affect your mobility. This was followed by a long cooldown.
    NC got a frontal facing shield that absorbed HUGE amounts of damage while disabling the main cannon. I think this one would actually be the most balanced imo.

    But yes, the gatekeeper was sorely needed by the TR. It will go a long way to patching up the hole that is their long range AV department. Like Saron and Enforcers, the prowler now has a secondary gun that synergises well with its intended playstyle.
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  3. Dualice

    Well said. When I first heard "vehicle-mounted Fracture" I was assuming the worst, but thankfully it functions more like pre- trash tweak Fractures. I've not noticed any projectile drop at the ranges I've used it, which I'm sure some will be complaining about, but faction flavours cross over from time to time. I'm not complaining about the Serpent/GD-7F :p
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  4. FateJH

    You want the Prowler to refire even faster?! :eek:
  5. TheMish

    I think lockdown and anchor would work, if they just made the Prowler and Max regenerate Hp unusually fast.

    Then at least you have an advantage, because the VS have the same armor as the Prowler, but they have range, accuracy, and mobility to their advance.

    The NC are the slowest and have the worst dps, but they have the brute force of each shot of the cannon, strong armor, and the iwin shield.

    The TR just have dps to their advantage, and it's often not much to make up for the other faults.

    Maybe if not letting the Prowler anchor with regeneration added, why not make anchor buff the secondary as well? It would be a pretty decent buff.
  6. SwornJupiter

    Tanks balance is in a pretty good spot at the moment. There aren't any adjustments needed as far as I am concerned.
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  7. afsd

    I do not know how long you have been a TR tanker but I can tell you almost every single one of us runs with maxed out lockdown. It is the only thing you should run honestly because it brings your DPS WAY up and you accuracy WAY up.
  8. afsd

    I just wish the Vanguard and Prowler had some traction to the treds... ugggh
  9. afsd

    In my mag I can drive up the cliff just south of the South East Warpgate on indar...
  10. xSalt

    In a prowler I can't go up the bump created by the corpse of the friendly engi I backed over
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  11. TheMish

    I have to disagree, the Vanguard shield needs to have a con, and I've often gone hours in a Magrider, never having to get out and repair, because often I self repair, before I get hit again, or severely enough that I have to get out and fix it.
  12. xSalt

    I agree, I feel that the main cannon, or secondary weapon at least should be disabled while shielded. I also feel that if the vehicle is actually, already on fire the shield shouldn't be able to be activated. To often I see it used as a literal "I win" where I will have the vanguard flaming, they will pop the shield, get enough damage on me to kill me, then just jump out and repair. All the while they were on fire and being shot at.

    It's extremely powerful and has absolutely no downside. TR lockdown, can't move to avoid fire. VS mag burn thing, rapid acceleration throws off accuracy. NC van shield, makes stuff not hurt you while you can still hurt stuff. Just seems like it's missing something that the other two have.
  13. TheRunDown

    I've always said Anchor mode should effect secondary weapons.
  14. LodeTria

    It's almost as if the gatekeeper coming out made the halberd not exist for 2 years.
    Pretty weird huh.
  15. Goretzu

    So you want to give the best perfoming MBT a new ES ability that increases Prowler DPS even more than it already is (which is already significantly higher than the others)? o_O

    So being the worst performing MBT (way below the Prowler and below the Mag) isn't enough? It has a downside, the massive cooldown, but if you want to nerf the shield the Van stock chassis requires a MASSIVE buff to bring it up to current Prowler/Mag levels.

    They work now, that's partially why the Prowler is the best performing MBT. :confused: Lock-down is less useful than Anchor, but then ALL MAX ES abilities are worse than just using Charge.

    There are definately time it is lucky the Devs don't look at the forum for balance. :D
  16. TheMish

    Not my fault if the NC have more stupid players.

    The Vanguard is a good tank, I like it, and many people hate fighting it when they're playing on other characters.
  17. Goretzu

    They don't, they have exactly the same type of players as VS and TR - that's what the stats show anyway (unsurprisingly).

    People seem to hate fighting the Van, I agree (hence the nerfs cries), strangely though statistically it didn't change much (or at all really) pre and post-shield nerf which seems to suggest that there are just a lot of people that don't actually know how to fight Vans, and the people that do never had much trouble with them to begin with.
  18. Pikachu

    If prowler has a long range weapon only now, then that must mean gatekeeper is better than it's supposed rival halberd. People consider halberd balanced so how can they not think gatekeeper overpowered?
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  19. WetPatch

    But .75 ADS
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  20. Villanuk

    The stats are showing the Halberd is still the best performing but its nice that we have OUR own empire specific weapon that we can use and use well unlike our max, launcher, esf all of which got nerfed to hell.