Final Warning! (Grief...)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dubious, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Dubious

    Just got the "Final Warning" and I have not killed anyone
    I have not even bumped into anyone

    Other people have bumped into me, making ME get grief
    Just a min ago, someone bumped into my lib, making me crash into ground and giving ME grief

    This is something that should have been fixed in BETA
  2. Dhart

    Just kill your buddy and get it over with... it'll what... lock your barrel for a little while?

    Better to do it now than when you get in a pinch though... your team-mates will be far less forgiving then.

    Start paying attention to the low level griefers... if you start seeing the same name over and over again... write it down... could be ops finding a way to cirucumvent the game tenants to really 'grief' us.
  3. xtoph

    No, actually your gun gets locked for 30 minutes, not only that but vehicle speed gets reduced so you can't run anyone over so your sunderer will be slower than a slug.
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