FFS, Nerf The Vulcan Already

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BamaRage, Sep 23, 2018.

  1. BamaRage

    This is just stupid op and something has to be done.....
  2. Sazukata

    Mjolnir is just as good though.

    And maybe explain how it's too powerful? Empty nerf threads like this are against forum rules.
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  3. CplRDaWiggy

    Probably because of the large magazine and the point and die aspect of it, making it unbelievably easy to use as well as being very rewarding. Still seems to me that complaint is aimed at vulcan harasser not vulcan mbt, as the latter isn't that hard to deal with imo.

    Personally wouldn't say its op, more really strong and really easy to use, especially on harasser.
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  4. HippoCryties

    Lol saw you on emerald.
    But TBH the only OP thing about the Vulcan is the huge magazine, nerf it a bit , and it’s balanced
  5. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Please research your topic before posting.
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  6. OneShadowWarrior

    It will be, on the Play Test Server already
  7. Towie

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Both the Aphelion and Mjolnir are more powerful in certain circumstances / more skillful use - but - the Vulcan is laughably easy to use and very reliably dishes out damage.
    The faster spin up time / high RPM makes it a perfect match for the fast moving Harasser where missed shots will be frequent.

    Back in the days when we could check the numbers pulled, the Vulcan harasser was taken for a spin more often than Aphelion and Mjolnir harassers added together.
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  8. VeryCoolMiller

    aphelion is the same thing... probably slightly better when shooting at infantry and air...
  9. BamaRage

    No the Mjolnir is not just as good. It used to be but not now. We can kill an MBT in 1.3 mags and we cant come close to the same DPS.
  10. HippoCryties

    Well you obviously can’t aim very well. Although I haven’t tanked for months when I used Mjolnir behind a tank they were dead before they could even turn around!
  11. AlcyoneSerene

    The excessive buffs followed by excessive nerfs or vice-versa is a little worrying in this game, since it reminds me of another game where developers swing and rework stuff always in the extremes.

    I heard the original vulcan was super powerful, then I got to experience its nerfed variant, on a harasser, to repeatedly fail with it. At the moment in live, on the receiving end it does seem like it might have been over buffed, and only hope the recent PTR variant won't bring it back down to useless again.

    Another game item comes to mind with this wild swinging that hasn't finished yet: Valkyrie, and its resistance to small arms fire, and severe lack thereof.

    Subtlety please, when buffing and nerfing stuff.
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  12. BamaRage

    No, on paper the Mjolnir is close but that's only if you land every shot which is impossible unless your on top of the target. The vulcan will melt a harasser before you can come close enough to have a chance. And I dont know how long its been for you but after the Mjolnir nerf you have to reload before killing most armor which means yea, they have time to turn around. Before the Mjolnir nerf I would have agreed with you....
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  13. BamaRage

    Bite Me
  14. HippoCryties

    Seriously? I find that really hard to believe that if you come up behind a tank and empty out a full clip of Mjolnir (which ain’t the hardest thing to do) that you can’t kill it in one clip.
  15. That_One_Kane_Guy

    That the introduction of facts to this discussion exposed your OP as a poorly researched tantrum is no fault of mine. Knowing the first thing about your topic is an elementary first step to a discussion.
  16. BamaRage

    Maybe you should come gun my harasser and show me how wrong I am. You can ask around as I am known for being a good driver. So much so that I get request's to come to TR and drive for others. So I would be happy to have you gun and demonstrate how easy it is. Oh and we will record it and post the vid here. Is that fair?
  17. Daigons

    Interesting why you think this weapon is OP? After examining your game play for today 9/25/2018 from 02:51am - 05:14am, here is the break down of some of your deaths in game;

    65 or so kills by small arms
    4x Suicide
    4x Run over by Harasser
    2x Prowler P2-120 AP
    2x E540 Halberd
    2x Lightning Skyguard
    1x Python L100 AP
    1x Claymore
    1x Ranger
    1x Run over by Lightning
    1x Hornets
    1x Mosi Rotary
    1x Spear Turret
    1x Spitfire
    1x Sundy Kobalt
    1x Sundy Ranger
    1x Vulcan death @ 4:33am by Flash1238

    So where is all your Vulcan salt originating from?
  18. That_One_Kane_Guy

    A side effect of my very busy day job as a comedian. Clearly there is no longer a reason for this thread to exist, it can be allowed to die now.
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  19. JibbaJabba


    So I'm not a huge fan of "planetside by spreadsheet", but yes, even on paper you aren't going to one clip a tank. Not even a lightning. Get away from the spreadsheet into the real world and it's far worse.
  20. JibbaJabba

    Nothing about this line of thought you are taking will do anything to prove any point about the Vulcan. Other than harassing another player what are you after here?