Feedback - No more free 12 certs, bad idea.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ragmon, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. lothbrook

    I just figured the passive cert gain was so that your alt characters on another faction would be playable since otherwise they'd have like 0 certs all the time, lol.
  2. zaspacer

    Yup, the 12 Certs were a big factor for:
    1) new players
    2) people with lots of alts

    I had a friend start PS2 recently, and normally I would have had him make his account and then collect passive Certs for a while before starting to play. That way he could at least get a decent loadout going before he started playing. Now that's not really an option.

    I have 6 characters (1 on each faction across 2 different Servers). They all are working toward Certing out ESFs. +72 Certs a day across all of them made a big difference in being able to get them into playable shape. Grinding Certs on 1 character is fine, but for 6 it just slows to a halt. (NOTE: I DID sign up for Membership, so now I get +288 Certs/day for logging in)
  3. AFK1

    This change was done as a buff for Vanu players

    When you use the VS MAX unit, 12 certs means literally nothing. I can get about 100 hundred kills in the same amount of time it takes to log in and out of the game with a VS MAX unit, so the 12 extra certs a day doesn't matter at all. It only hurts TR and NC players who actually have to do something in order to gain EXP