Favorite Stalker Cloak Weapon

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ShotgunGuru, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. DFDelta

    Commissioner usually.
    Crossbow when I want to be sneaky.
  2. BillHaverchuck

    Patience is a virtue. Knowing when to move takes some time. I ve been playing Stalker for a week here and there and I can pretty much do 2 15+ kill streaks in fights between bases. Just stalking cover points in the open and picking people in cover when no one is looking.

    The beamer gives more shame. And also The commisioner or the crossbow. Vanu pistols are crap.
  4. yeHHH1g

    Those kills streaks take forever, I try to average more than a kill a minute for my play sessions
  5. ShotgunGuru

    Somehow I get killed by Vanu infils with the Beamer a LOT, it is funny really.
  6. Heyitsrobbie1984

    i myself use the Rebel and the Cerberus, silenced. no other way
  7. Ripshaft

    The cerberus is my go-to for general combat but i generally prefer the crossbow for extreme troll factor, as it's perfect for operating deep within the enemy lines. Beyond that I think basically any sidearm gets the job done fairly well.