FAQ on Settings and Functionality -- Things Many Players Don't Know!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ItZMuRdA, May 29, 2013.

  1. ItZMuRdA

    Hey all,

    The latest in my "Analyze This" video series is up on YouTube. This particular video takes a look into the most commonly asked questions on my stream chat (http://twitch.tv/itzmurda_tv) regarding everything from game settings to keybinds and general functionality of the game. Some of the settings or binds in PS2 are a little bit hidden or counter-intuitive, or perhaps were added in a later patch and overlooked -- this video makes sure you don't skip a beat!

    My apologies in advance for the length of the video, but I was surprised how many regular PlanetSide 2 players in my stream were genuinely were unaware of many of these things and wanted to provide a thorough, yet helpful commentary for as many people as I can possibly reach with this video.

    In short, a list of the topics covered in the video (in the order they appear) are:

    - Centralized HUD Mode
    - Customized Colors
    - Engineer Turret also functions as an Ammo Box!
    - Holding Breath while sniping to avoid scope sway
    - Redeploying via Hotkey (continue moving around)
    - Instant Action via Hotkey with preview of deployment region
    - Autorun (yes, it was finally added by popular demand!)
    - Selectable Fire Modes
    - Toggling Attachments (Laser Dot/Flashlight)
    - Expanding Minimap
    - Zooming Minimap
    - Turning Off Voice Chat for certain channels
    - Vehicle Management Pane
    - Pitching Aircraft via keys for greater mobility

    As always, thank you all so much for your support and feedback. If you found this useful, please hit that thumbs up button and subscribe/follow my channels for future content! You can give me a holler on Twitter @xItZMuRdAx as well.

    • Up x 2
  2. ItZMuRdA

    A quick bump to this, got a lot of really great feedback so far! Also, put out a new current events video for anyone who might care for a reminder (like Loyal Solder Plan ending tomorrow and SOE Live Panel registration ending today)!

    Thanks for all of the support, everyone!
    • Up x 1
  3. Duvenel

    I knew most of this anyhow, but I'm glad to see that there are people willing to help those that might be less knowledgeable about the game. Keep up the good work :)
  4. Dis


    Wait, that doesn't sound right at all. Let's start over.

    Hi. I'm Dis, and I approve this message.
  5. ItZMuRdA

    hah, thanks for the support guys.