[Suggestion] Falling Damage -

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pachins, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Pachins

    Not sure how the other factions fall into place here but as a Vanu I can not jump out of the 2nd floor window without taking damage. Is this by design or a physics change that will be made in the future? My other thought was that in the future they don't have milk so we are all like Samuel L Jackson in Unbreakable.

    I would like to jump off the second floor and live.
  2. Canaris

    oh we have milk alright,it's just the super emergency supply.... we're on the dogs milk now. Last longer than any other type of milk and you know why? No one will drink it ;)
  3. japro

    Yeah, that is so unrealistic, I daily jump out of the second floor window when leaving the house in the morning...
  4. wowie

    Only LA's can jump off of buildings with no damage incurred. IMO this is working as intended, they are supposed to be more mobile.
    Not to mention that it would break immersion when someone wearing a ton of combat armor started doing parkour stunts.

    Also, you can go down the side of a building already:
    If you really want to jump off the second floor and live, don't jump straight to the ground, jump while hugging the building and catching every single ledge and overhang on the way down, and you'll only take half of your shield damage... LA's still can do it better, though.
  5. Pachins

    I am an infil and from what I can tell there is no armor. Just a skin tight suit. Pretty sure you can jump from about 10 feet and not break both of your legs unless you are 300 pounds. This is more of an issue at the turret towers when jumping off. Tough to play cat and mouse when my legs are always broken. :)