[Suggestion] Factional loyalty

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by disgruntled newbie, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. disgruntled newbie

    I see a lot of people upset by "4th factioning", players sloshing around to fight on whatever side of the battle looks to be paying out the most at the moment. As a way to address the problem, what about adding a loyalty system.

    Loyalty would be bound to your ACCOUNT. Not your characters. For every hour that you play a specific faction without switching, you gain a point of loyalty in that faction and lose a point in both others. You get rewards for loyalty in a tiered structure where low end rewards might be a small XP boost while rewards for high loyalty might be more daily certs, unique camo patterns, or even special factional equipment that can't be gotten any other way. This would provide long term rewards to stay with a single faction even if they are not currently winning the war.
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  2. gigastar

    Sadly the only loyalty SOE truly cares for is your optional subscription.
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  3. SenEvason

    Sounds like an annoyance to players that have multiple factions in the interest of having a balanced opinion on the game.
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  4. Ryme

    Problem with your suggestion is that this does not foster loyalty to a faction, it just creates another meta game to farm. And while this may be somewhat effective in a traditional sub game, it s meaningless in a F2P game.
  5. Thpthpthp

    Players could still switch accounts, this is a free to play game after all. If anything this would just punish those who legitimately enjoy playing all three factions and further discourage people from leaving their comfort zone to try something new.
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  6. libbmaster

    Free 24hr boost for every month of dedication?
  7. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Or simply because they like a faction-specific weapon or vehicle.

    I think the Scythe is alright, but I like flying the Reaver more. The nose-gun is a beastly thing, and I find the rocketpods skillpods slightly better for farming infantry.

    (Still working on certing out the Mosquito)
  8. HadesR

    Well players who regularly play multiple factions would be no worse than they are now .. It's a reward system for those that don't always swap , not a penalty system for those that do ..
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  9. SenEvason

    It is penalizing in a way, as one of the suggestions was having specific equipment only a person with high factional loyalty can get. Specific gameplay content is being withheld by this system, content that can't be gained by dedicating time to it.
  10. HadesR

    In that sense I agree with you .. But personally I would love a Loyalty system with non-game changing rewards such as decals / camo etc
  11. flipper369

    I like the NC and will play the NC until I see fit to move to another faction. I see no need to have multiple characters on the same continent playing for other factions. One character per continent. This has nothing to do with loyalty. It has everything to do with fairness and gamesmanship. I'm sorry but I don't trust other players that play two or three factions on the same continent You can't tell me they are giving 100% for every faction. I just don't buy it. But that's just me.

    Maybe if they play on different continents. I could deal with that a little easier knowing the guy/gal I'm playing with to capture a TR/VS base isn't just going to march in there a little later in the day and try to take it back as a TR or VS. You spend time with them in the game and they begin to see what your your strategies are, what was repaired and what wasn't, etc. I'm not going to call them a spy but that would seem to be a fair assessment.
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  12. disgruntled newbie

    Incorrect. You could still get every loyalty reward from all 3 factions. You would just need to make 3 accounts and spend 3 times as long doing it. Doable? Yes. Harder? Much. But that's the tradeoff you make: If you stay loyal to your faction even when everything sucks, then you get more rewards sooner than if you play as a fair weather mercenary. Seems completely reasonable to me.
  13. SenEvason

    You seem to be hung up on the whole "Switch factions when my side is losing" thing. That's not the only reason people play different factions you know.
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  14. flipper369

    I like the idea. Seems very reasonable. Add the only one character per continent in and that should curtail these freaks that switch allegiances at the slightest sign of a butt whoopin about to commence. I've been on the receiving end of many *** kickings and it would never be an option to log out of one character as NC(which is losing) only to log on as TR or VS(which is winning) in the same skirmish. That is pathetic and scandalous.
  15. faykid

    i agree about loyalty being important
    but it must be loyalty to one faction on one server.
    it can be done simply by disabling the option of making a new character on the server where you already have one
    it is not in SOE interest to discourage playing different factions, because money
    but they sure could implement "one char per server" rule, and that wouldn't hurt anyone except the kids with CS mentality
  16. disgruntled newbie

    That's a more workable approach than making loyalty account-wide. I like it.
  17. Blackinvictus

    Not going to happen now. People have likely paid real world cash for stuff on their same server toons.

    The line is becoming more and more blurry on Briggs. Can have the exact guy in your squad that shot you down 15 minites earlier, lol. Hell, I frequently see the same people with their exact names with a "2" or NC. TR, VS for example, attached to their names on different faction toons. Especially among the pilots. It's a small pop to begin with and you figure out who is who in the zoo after awhile.

    I guess I can understand the logic of wanting to enjoy more than 1/3 of the game though.
  18. flipper369

    Having fun and enjoying yourself is probably one of the most important parts of playing any game. And I understand players that want to immerse themselves in every possible way to every aspect of the game. I can most certainly appreciate and applaud them for their dedication and willingness to see a different view and be exposed to a new environment.

    My main issue is that playing multiple characters on the same server lends oneself to certain criticisms. They may be unfounded, quite possibly, and extremely unfair to those individuals. What others conclusions can be drawn? I don't see the logic of playing all of those characters on the same server. Perhaps I'm missing something. Please enlighten me.