Facility Capture Timers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sock, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Navus

    This change is an outrage. First you increase my max resources, now you cut the potential amount of maxes I can spam at a base defense by 1?!!!

  2. HMR85

    Not a fan of the changes to the Facility Capture times at all. I am really trying to figure out where the out cry for this change came from?
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  3. jak

    It's not about response time, it's about time to get the point back under control.

    We can respond to hacks within about one to two minutes if we have to grab a scythe from the warpgate and get to the base, drop a beacon or have people squad deploy. However, taking back a point from entrenched attackers who no longer have to pay attention to the SCU because of reduced spawn timers means 5 minutes is likely not enough.
  4. Sock

    Response time isn't a problem. Any decent resecure outfit can make it to any base in the game within 2 minutes of a hack starting. Like jak said, the issue is that shorter cap times widens the margin of error attackers have while handicapping defenders in a game where offense is already mind-numbingly easy.
  5. Ender

    lolwut? SCU goes down = Base is lost. Trying to get the SCU up = Back capping (I'm going to assume you're implying a ghost cap). So what is it called when you try to get the SCU up when there's a platoon of enemies still there but they've been cleared off the SCU for a moment? Or how about getting the SCU shield gen up while enemies are trying to stop you after you've deployed a sunderer by the primary teleporter?

    I present to you LibertyRevolution's Planetside 2 model folks. A version of Planetside where trying to catch defenders off-guard with an organized squad makes you a "back-capper," despite the base still belonging to YOU. A version of Planetside where the REAL AND EXCITING gameplay lies in overwhelming a base with sheer numbers and immediately leaving for the next buffet without having to worry about the location you just ABANDONED. A version of Planetside where you can blow your load in a mass MAX assault on the SCU and IF you happen to live long enough to see it downed, you've now earned this base with your superior fighting skillz and can claim it as rightfully yours. All while you leisurely stroll towards that HE MBT where your driver, who happens to be missing several chromosomes, is overly eager to haul your *** off to the next location so that you can spam spawn points for awhile before getting out to spam your UBGL. ..... .. . ..... ... WaiT....wha.....WHHHAA...TTTT?! SOMEONE FLIPPED A??? WTF. WHO DA *** DO DEY TINK DEY ARE FLIPPING POINTS AT DER EMPIREZ BAES. FUKIGN BAK_CAPINN N00BZ. CAANT DEFEND UR FCU IN DA 1ST PLASE NAOW I GOTSTA COME BAK AND SH00T ALL U WANNABE N00B SCRUBZ. JUST CUZ U WAZNT THERE WHEN WE DROPP3D DA FCU DOESN'T MEEN U CAN REPZ IT. D0 U EVEN L1FT BR0Z?
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  6. Sock

    I supported you until you knocked on the UBGL bro.
  7. Kanya

    I think what annoys me most is the following:

    In PS1, an empire would go put a hack on a base, get in defensive positions and wait out the 15 minutes. And that was a tense 15 minutes for them, because no matter the force inside, they knew that potentially a resecure outfit would arrive within that 15 minutes. It might come, it might not. But I can guarantee you that for that whole 15 minutes, (if it was a decent outfit) each person would sit that whole timer out, not daring to move from their alloted spot because IF that resecure attempt came, and they were afk, or roaming around and the base is resecured because they were not paying attention, it was on them to explain WHY they messed up and wasted everyone's time.

    There is no threat level in PS2. Reading some of these responses further backs that up You want to zerg a base, blow pretty things up cap 3 points in under 30 seconds and job done. Move to next base.

    The general feeling amongst this player base is ease of capture. You may kill a few guys, blow a gen and by rights think the base is yours.

    What is missing is you doing that, then getting set up properly and holding position - stressing that an attempt by the other empire is coming.

    There are no hard fought bases/captures/resecures in this game at present. And the laziness in which bases are held/captured shows in threads like this. It's not just the community at fault - at bottom level it is the devs fault, they had 10 years of data and design to work with yet they are trying too much to do it all new...and making a total erse of it.
  8. Pikachu

    I welcome almost any reduction. Half of the time is just a waiting game where the attackers has eliminated all resistance and are just trying to get a kill from the suicide attempts the defenders do in hope of getting a cert with their rocket shooter or UBGL. Attacks either fail early on or they have to wait half of the capture time.
  9. Navus

    MY IQ just dropped 5 points after reading this.
  10. Sock

    I think this is a major issue that extends beyond capture mechanics. There's really no sense of accomplishment when you take a base. It's either banging your head into a wall frustrating or a couple minutes of defense before the defenders just fizzle out. Much broader issue with a lot of other factors that have to be considered, but shortening timers surely does nothing to up the value of actually capturing a base.
  11. applepienation

    Glad I'm not the only one who found this to be a very questionable change.
    At least biolabs won't be a 45 minute clusterf*ck anymore. Those bothered me. I like defensible bases, sure but... Biolabs aren't the right way of doing it. At least not in my opinion.
  12. LibertyRevolution

    No I was the PL of a huge zergfit, back before the XP buffs.
    I spent most my time looking at a map... I have only just over 5,000 kills.

    I also don't play my NC anymore, I have a BR 53 TR, and a BR 40 VS. lol

    Yes, exactly, welcome to lattice.
    Which is why I play TR waterson, fear the prowler/mossie zerg!
  13. AMARDA

    IMO this is a great change. It means I have to spend less time fighting over Biolabs or Amp Stations.

    There is nothing worse then having 30-40 seconds on the timer, eliminated all resistance, then getting zerged by people that outnumber you 3-1. At least with shorter capture times we can go fight fun battles.
  14. Sock

    This is brilliant. Getting "zerged" by the defense that outnumbers you (what imagination world are you playing in?) is a bad thing, but zerging a base with limited resistance is good and should be rewarded with instant captures? Why are people so averse to combat in an FPS?
  15. Navus

    IF this stupidly small cap timer is kept, then the ONLY way it would be fair for defenders is if the facility resecures instantly if they recap a the majority of points. How can it be fare if the defenders manage to take the points back with 1 minute on the timer only to die and watch the base have on resecured 20 seconds. If your gonna cater to the ADHD kids with fast/instant cap times, bring back instant resecures and I bet they all will be crying for the old system
  16. Navus

    Since its not letting me edit my above.

    To all those people who say "lattice" as the reason why this change is fine, let me get this straight...

    1) Attackers are shouldnt have to wait to defend a hex for minutes after a scu gets blown for a hack to flip, because it slows down gameplay before they move onto the next base

    2) Defenders shouldnt be given ample time to defend a base because of this magical "lattice" that shows us ahead of time where the enemy will be. We should be able to read the map and be ready with a defense at the next base down the line BEFORE the enemy is there right?

    All I ask is this: Why are the defenders pigeon-holed into waiting at an actionless base and attackers get catered to with having to wait less?
  17. Sock

    Zerglings who think that they shouldn't have to sit at a base with no action while it caps, but defenders should have to sit at a base waiting for people to show up just to have a chance to defend. Give us PS1 style 15 minute caps with instant resecures for a week and lets hear the outrage over that.
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  18. DoctOrious

    Did you bring any good news?
  19. Tristan

    I was going to finally play again tonight, but the bads in this thread convinced me otherwise.
  20. elkikko92

    why not make horizzonatal and vertical shield for SCU? I think they have a better role with my idea.
    'A' terminal doesn't needs shield