Extra Medals after the 8/21 update

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. kszyhokiller

    so, after the update that fixed directives resetting, guess what happened?
    Yes, you are right :/ all directive progress which is not completed by me, or is a ribbon (or sticky grenades and mana turret) - so all kills, smg kills, vehivle destruction etc. has reverted to zero, null, nothing. Well done!
  2. Onhil

    Finally has been bothering me since the addition of the directives
  3. DrVoo

    Are these medal bugs individual appearances? I was using the Solstice SF recently up to about 1000 kills and the medal awards worked fine. For the Nemesis on the other hand...not so much.
  4. Majour Wali

    haha, that's too mean though, if Vanu technology is malfunctioning then let it be so, maybe its too advance for them to handle?
  5. Farroq

    Well considering I have unlocked almost all Directive guns. I aint even mad :p
  6. DatVanuMan

    Also, make sure to remove the PPA, too. And the Beamer. And the Corvus. And the only good SR we have, the Shift. Just for MEDIOCRE measures:eek:
  7. SturmfaustXT

    Oh, so lets talk about OP stuff?

    TR: the nice pistol, the super op pounder, minigun
    NC: cqc max, phoenix rocket launcher, vanguard

    Tanks: vanguard>prowler>magrider
    Aircraft ESF: TR+NC>VS

    and what vs have? PPA-gun...nerfed oh yeah.

    Take our lasher and give me the pounder or minigun...
  8. bl33ping

    speaking of vanu ... for the love of god, can you please start nerfing their stuff?
  9. Nemetis

    I can't login in Cobalt.. tryed like 10 times, in different hours.. stuck on "logging" screen.
  10. Nemetis

    OMG.. the only thing Vanu have better than another faction was ZOE MAX, but now, nerfed is the worst max in the game..
    The guns is the worst too, magridder is the worst too.. why nerf the weakest faction anymore? we need some buff!
    • Up x 1
  11. Bin4ryW4rrioR

    If your going to fix the medals , please give all my 100s of kills back from resets as you have yet again reset my kills and base capture/defences again (now on expert and master level) when you gave me these weapons I have been reset like 4 times now!

    Wish you never added these directives...
  12. Xebov

    At the time i used the SF, after the release, the medals were buggy as hell. Its possible that my issue comes from this.
  13. Nepau

    I had found it ammusing when the game told me that my 4300 kills with my Lasher didn't give me the Araxium medal, or lost it after I had gotten it before.
  14. TheKhopesh

    Tfhe NC's AA and AG lock RL's (The Hawk -AA-, and Crow -AG-) had the exact same issue til about a week after directives came out.
    So, nearly 2 full years...
    (And they'd known about it the whole time, but just now got around to fixing it)
  15. gunnner10

    I didn't get the 20 certs for my 200th kill with a frag grenade. It only took about 40 seconds to make it through the 5 stages of grief. I've learned since just to pass straight to acceptance :)
  16. XTCAndy

    I have had issues with a few medals. Or do you mean the directives. The directives for Resupply for my Engineer seem stuck at 26 out of 60. Is that not simply doing a resupply with Engineer's bundle of ammo? Do you need to supply like 5+ people to get a ding on that directive? It just does not want to see to go up. Strange because it did so before.
  17. TheKhopesh

    Extra medals?

    I'll take a triple set of pistol Auraxiums with extra cloaking... and add some additional Freedom on the side.
    I'd also like an order of a rocket launcher Auraxium medal and credit on the Phoenix AE as well as NS-11P for both the "Exceptional" and the RL/AR weapons tabs respectively.

    (That just sounded too funny to me to let it go unsaid. :D)

    On a more serious note, I really do feel that the weapons in the "Exceptional" tab should also count toward the class of weapons they are. The only way you can possibly get them is to pay real (and usually large sums of) money on them, and only within the pre-determined time frame that they're available.
    Supporting the game via purchase of these (often spendy, and always exclusive) weapons not only goes a long way toward supporting the game.
    Giving credit for both of the weapons respective fields would also add a massive incentive to snatch up as many of these as possible.
    Especially if they're an effective combat weapons like the Platinum variants of the NS-11A, NS-11C, and NS-15M or the gold SMG's, rather than "Just for show" weapons like the flare guns!
    As the icing on the cake here, this will help increase sales, and the cost to SOE is absolutely as minimal as it gets.
    (The only cost to them is the odd man hour or two that it takes to copy/paste the weapon data into the directive tabs their weapon types go in.)
  18. XTCAndy

    My Recon for Infilitrator Directive doesn't seem to work either. I has 1 out of 60, and I read the description of it. Use the recon tool. So it should do it. Again, does it need to be a certain number of them before it counts as '1' (like a ratio).
  19. TraatAdmiral

    For both of you, I believe those directives are for getting the relevant support ribbons. The directive will increase when you've done enough repairing or recon-tool-ing to get the next ribbon.

    There's never been a reward for 200 kills. Medals happen at 10, 60, 160, and 1160 kills.
  20. craotianman6

    I have problem with Objectives tree it restarted few times. Help pls!!!