[EXE] or [666] VS equivalent on Connery?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FrontTowardEnemy, Aug 5, 2013.


    Call me a mean person but I TKed the TR Chinese outfit. Those laggy bastards were a cause of many a collision.

    Eh don't worry about it. My guys saw a lot of noticeable hackers and "lag" in 3DKC as well. They seem to take after the Ruskies.

    Supposedly a dev said they were the top outfit for kicked members due to hacking. Even got one of the little bastards to admit to it once. But seriously I really did dislike the TR ones, they seemed to be attracted to me with how many times they rammed me.
  4. Hibiki54

    I actually miss some 3KDC guys like MrDDT. Despite what others may think, he knew how to get the masses rolling with Orders and Region chat.

    Not surprised in the slightest. Concerning friendly ramming, it's a disease that pervades all factions. Even have asshats on NC who do it just for fun.
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    I literally jump for joy whenever I see ExE or the devil pups

    JENK has come a long way from the small fights, so we get pumped whenever we see large numbers now. The best fights are against the hordes now, we relish the destruction of a zerg.

    Just dont get too ********, usually they turn it back over into their favor after we get bored/outnumbered by the whole population XD
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  7. Keiichi25

    They lagged the server and caused so much imbalance, even as NC, I hated them because they would make it difficult to have a decent fight.
  8. Keiichi25

    You do realize... the Majority of those masses was... 3KDC... >.>

    Not hard to get 'the masses' rolling when your outfit comprises the majority of the masses.
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  9. Czuuk

    They also have up to 60% world pop at times so they don't really need a single large zerg outfit.
  10. Mouse75

    Since when? Last time I checked world pop is pretty balanced on Connery. I don't think I've seen any faction have a world pop over 40% since the Connery merge.
  11. Aristel25

    Yea, kinda wondering when the last time you even played on Connery is. The only time I see more than a 10% population difference is early mornings, and that's almost always dominated by VS with the large JP group they have on Connery.
  12. Czuuk

    We keep odd hours. We roll VS on Connery when TR or VS have outrageous world pop on Waterson. I've seen it that way at times. Off hours to be sure.

    It has been a couple weeks. Except of course for the Ultimate Squad Showdown. We played at 11 am. VS definitely had population at that time.
  13. Keiichi25

    And also doesn't explain why the NC also gets almost routinely warpgated.
  14. firewolf

    This guy is referring to the old days of Helios. (Rip Helios the hamster) And it was on Helios 3KDC would have 50 or 60% or the world pop. They were the ULTIMATE zerg outfit. EXE and 666 have numbers but 3KDC seemed to always have a platoon at every major battle and a couple squads at the small ones.

    It wasn't a big problem since most Helios NC were free kills. It was actually joked about that 1 TR or VS player= 3 or 4 NC. And that was the amount of people they could mow down before getting noticed
  15. Czuuk

    Never played on Helios. And I'm referring to odd hours as I've stated. It's been a couple weeks. But the last time I played Connery (other than the Ultimate Squad Showdown) was I think the week of E3. I met the leader of JENK. It was in the morning. VS had 60% pop at the time. I will freely admit that the number have changed a lot recently. And that off peak hours are no indication of overall server performance.
  16. Outlier

    [RTCN] and [3KDC] left when the Chinese servers opened up. Of course the primarily Japanese VS players stayed on, making late-night/early morning Connery ridiculously imbalanced in favor of VS.
  17. SNAFUS

    RTCN was their name, couldn't remember it for some reason. But yes I did take a personal vendetta against those individuals.
  18. SolLeks

    I get excited when I see EXE in the air, free certs. Same with JENK.

    Right? I feel like Thundahawk when I'm flying against their air divisions lol. They do have some good pilots though, it's just tough to seek them out when they run 40+ mossies/scythes.
  20. Bill Hicks

    No EXE is not dead. I got see a Drunk EXE ESF zerg .
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