[Suggestion] Everything is fine

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by prodo123, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. prodo123

    I see a lot of "OP nerf pls qq", "Buff this weapon it sucks" and "Delete cuz I don't like" threads. Here's my opinion:

    Everything is relatively fine, and we work with what we have at hand for now instead of crying about it in the forums, until DBG fixes it. They probably know what needs balancing and what doesn't already.
    • Up x 2

  3. FieldMarshall

    I agree. ZOE's fine. They probably know what they are doing.

    Nobody likes complaining. But if people didnt complain about things they didnt like, you would have things like:
    Pre-nerf ZOE, pre-nerf Striker, Vulcan would be more OP than it is now, Lockdown would be more useless than now, Shotguns would be worse than now, Phoenix would OHK infantry, MCG would be crap etc etc.
  4. prodo123

  5. Alan Kalane

    Balance is very solid right now, there are some things which require polish but it's good enough.
    Many of the balance problems would fix themselves simply by improving the core mechanics of the game instead of focusing on each individual weapon.

    Like rly, this game lacks so much at it's core. Basic things, like proper resource system, territory control benefits,proper logistics, proper leadership tools... things which made Planetside feel like Planetside - huge battles, strategy, cooperation, logistics, grand scale - instead of yet another Battlefield. This should be a priority
  6. Alan Kalane

    Double post so you can like me twice!