Everyone Else = They Don't know what they're missing. Shhh ;)

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Drakortha, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Drakortha

    So I have come to the realization that the MAX class is where it is at, and I'm sure some of you can agree with me. Theres a few issues here and there, and there is also a lack of customization. But out of all the classes I have played the MAX is hands down the most fun.

    To me, nothing is more fun in a FPS than survivability. Being able to live through a huge encounter and live to see it through to the end, see all the shifts in dominance, that kind of thing. Getting a few kills as an assault then dying only to respawn 10 seconds later feels dull, repetitive, and simply takes me out of the action. Then I run back in for another try. Maybe I'll get 1 or 2 kills before I die again. It's like I'm taking a gamble every time and I don't feel like there is any skill or tactics involved, just whoever sees who first wins and who can spawn and get into the action again the fastest. It feels cheap, and I don't like it.

    Even without an Engineer some of my most fun on the server now has been when I was a MAX. I feel like I actually make a difference on the battlefield, that if I guard a certain objective I can be confident I will be the power force required to save the battle for my team. Better than being just another assault spawn holding on to blind luck, hoping I will see the enemy before they see me.

    The MAX forum section is one of the least active forums, and GOOD. I like to see a great play style like this not being taken for granted. Surely if other people knew how great it was they wouldn't be specializing into whatever dull class they have chosen. And we'd likely see too many MAX's on the battlefield.

    So who's with me? Even with all it's flaws, the MAX is the best class hands down. And if anyone is curious, I am a TR max using dual mercy cyclers and occasionally I pull out the double rockets or double bursters. And I ******* own.
  2. Snarkyfoo

    I've started playing one again recently, and although I miss my flamethrower and Infantry-terrorizing several shot pounder, it is a lot of fun.
    But the class still carries the stigma of beta, which is a powerful deterrent (just look at Esamir at any point, I doubt NC will ever be forgiven.).
    I think that the few players that have stuck with the MAX will become the most specialized as the game progresses. It's come a long way since the useless-other than-AA metal coffin it was.
  3. BadLlama

    It's also because you have to spend way too many certs to make the MAX excel. I have extended mags on both my guns as well as slug ammunition on both, full flak armor, extra ammunition utility and half way through aquisiton timer. Over 2000 certs spent on the damn thing and while I do tend to wreck **** with smart play I can go down insanely fast to just two heavies pouring bullets into me.
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  4. Lazaruz

    The main reason for all of my class choices is poor fps. I mainly play Infiltrator/sniper to keep my distance from the chaotic front lines.
    I don't have a chance in 1vs1 situations with 15-20 fps in big fights, unless my opponent is complete rubbish or has similar issues I do. That's why I try to avoid putting myself in those situations. Here is where the MAX comes into play. The added armor is a big plus, and the slow movement isn't really a big negative if you're suffering fps wise in the first place, it almost makes the game play "smoother".
    If my MAX goes down, I switch to an Engy to help keep other MAX's alive and support the fight, or to a Light Assault to give myself a positional advantage in CQC to try even out whatever fps disadvantage I might have.

    But I do love the MAX in general, and plan to sink many cert points in it when I have a chance, and I see what the devs gave planned for the future. There's no point spending certs into a half finished class, when there could be more awesome stuff lined up... I especially envy the TR variant with it's dual Cyclers. The VS MAX is my second favorite, but I don't like the weapon sounds, they seem to lack that feeling of (fire)power that you get on the other factions.
  5. SmileyBomb

    The costs of being a Max are insane - needing to upgrade the weapons individually even if they are the same type (different arms). However, it remains the only truly effective and fun AA, and makes an impressive cqc shield. I did applaud the addition of the cooldown timer and res costs. Now spam-zerging maxes is not nearly as easy and requires a coordinated effort. I do find it interesting that a max can use the resupply terminal and not the vehicle terminals, though. I understand why, but think its kind of hypocritical. The idea behind repairing a max suit and rezzing a max operator is nice. I'm not a thorough fan of the NC shotguns, but that is my own preferences, not due to any lack of effectiveness.
  6. Bloodburn

    This is exactly why I keep picking the max class.

    Every time I try any other class, and die. I think. Hell, if I was a max I would still be alive right now. lol

    Sure you dont get as much exp from ammo box whoring, or rezzing, and you cant transport yourself with a vehicle, but the ability to walk into a room and gun down 3 infantry while they peck away at you with rifles feels good man.
  7. Dornez

    OP is a TR, figures. Try a scat max. Then book an appointment with your psychologist to talk about how you suddenly feel inadequate.
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  8. StrangerDanger

    I dislike max, tbh. I can pick people off just fine with HA, im not a massive target, i dont block those awesome XP casino doorways in the biolab while i farm that XP.

    Its basically a bigass, door blocking, waste that gets me weapon lock whenever i use it...because you know that max that's shooting full tilt is a good guy to jump in front of to see what exactly hes shooting at. Also the MAX becomes a focal point to the enemy, while my HA crouched and scoped to the side can sit there can pick off people faster than the MAX. Also his entourage of engineers are always getting in the way.

    Its good in certain situations, however i find the grenade works just as well.
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  9. Apollyn

    Im loving Vanu MAX. Towers are where they excel. Nothing locks down a spawn area better or clears close stairways etc. I take the regen armour as I can easily break LOS and get regen running then come back to the fight.

    It also feels like runspeed increased slightly recently, might just be me getting used to it but feels like we build up more speed than before. Long range is still and issue but with more sundies getting their deploy certs I can quickly switch into new roles depending on current situations needs AI/AV/AA and be effective in that role. A good squad makes MAX insanely powerful.
  10. desktop

    i love clearing points by myself with a twin cycler. you scare the crap out of people if they are on their own.
  11. TW-Luna

    Hi, Im a dual Hacksaw MAX. Please stand back while I turn all enemies to swiss cheese.
  12. Sifer2

    Your crazy NC MAX is the most useful one really. Cyclers, and whatever pew pew thing the Vanu have tickle infantry to death. Sure they eventually kill them but in that time the MAX has taken a crap ton of damage. ScatMAX charges in then makes stuff dead fast. It's total crap how much the MAX's only ability favors the ScatMAX IMO. Maybe once Flamethrowers are back in i'll consider using TR MAX some more but right now you really kill faster with rifles than you do with two chainguns on your arm.
  13. Vonluckner

    Hopefully they add new MAX abilities soon. I would like to see other faction MAXes performing better without getting NC MAXes nerfed.
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  14. DeadlyShoe

    Scattermaxes are downright ridiculous, you're crazy if you think they are UP. Mercys are great,but they're only better in limited scenarios (like a little adventure I like to call Operation Purple Moses, where we had 10 maxes charge out of a teleporter into literally 30 or so vanu. The ability to hold down the trigger is pretty great in that situation.)
  15. JoCool

    Some natural bullet resistance would come in handy.
  16. Jaloro

    Scat MAX just one shots infantry classes at short range. Its sick indoors.

    Agree the cert costs for a MAX are a total joke. For that much it should at least be for both arms in some way. I was also a bit sad to see how little choice there was, I was hoping for certs to improve range or reduce the COF.
  17. ThElement078

    As an NC infiltrator, yes I believe that the max is a good class. Because of this thread , I'm thinking of giving the max another try, but Unfortunately, I'm NC and our shotguns aren't much use outside of of a bio lab. Anyway, as an infiltrator, I've really gotten pissed off at enemy maxes, so hard to kill with a scout rifle, plus, I usually work behind enemy lines, lone wolf style, once I see a max, I immediately cloak since I know I'm screwed if he sees me, even if I get the jump on him. So yeah, I think maxes are kind of good, but not op considering their cool down times.
  18. mnemon

    The other maxes aren't any better at range, you can try to tickle someone to death from 50m with VS dual AI max but the actual effective range is maybe 15m ... beyond that most infantry will kill you 1v1 simply because they will hit with every bullet while you will miss 90%+ of the time.
  19. Athessu

    I use a dual scat max a lot and I have to say you are wrong. You basically have to thrive on positioning and use your charge well, which means mostly defensively instead of chasing that one kill, but that also sometimes means pushing offensively to reach a better place to be defensive. But I happily pull a MAX to defend any point or assault a tower or biolab or camp a spawn.

    I would also reccomend the nano repair, it saves you from being entirely reliant on an engineer in a lot of situations.

    Although I do actually have a psychiatrist and a decently high dosage of anti psychotic to help me come to these well based conclusions. That part of me thinks you should perhaps refer to those with mental issues less casually.
  20. Opapanax

    Your max will kill anything in one shot if it hits with both shotgun attachments together..

    I'm calling BS playboi..