[BUG] Everyday, i am amazed by....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cilrael-sa-Altarii, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Cilrael-sa-Altarii

    the growing number of weird thing i see in ps2:

    - bugs, every day, some of them are fun, some aren't at all.
    - uber skilled players. ( i'm not that bad (5+ k/r on all my characters [10 for VS, VS are op ^^]) and i always find some high performing guys, my lack of skill annoys me -_-)
    - the heavy imbalance between something and its supposed counter (libs are awesome but fearless: skyguard should make them "run" away and dalton should not be able to OS esfs)
    - the impressive lack of fair play of the community (my friends don't want to play anymore because it really is annoying to be rez'd them killed in a the millisecond that follows) [if the community is ****** up, then we should have an invincible timer but others would abuse of this so we can't do anything but try to control ourselves when we see these esay kills: it's another player and you are ruining his gaming session]
    - hackers and glitchers, everywhere, everywhere #_# (this is a joke, of course, even if my outfit and i see strange things everyday)

    But there is one thing that amaze in most incredible way.... the ************ that glitch the spawn room shields to shoot and throw grenades into it....
    This is a game breaking glitch and it needs to be adressed asap.
    I got a few names, i got several of them and i know the webmasters don't want me to give them but these [insert insult here] haven't been banned or reset yet ! And i encounter them everyday, farming people in their spawnrooms, laughting in the chat because people are raging, massively reporting but nothing has never been done against them.

    I know i am not the only one to see these and i know you already know nothing is done against them but everytime we cried in the forum, SOE/DBG always adressed it quikly (aka ZOE, libs, tanks, etc (not c4 though =p)). so let's all be raging, crying for a little moment to make them do something effective against the increasing numbers of glitches in ps2.
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  2. Vixxing

    You tried killing ESF with dalton lately? Its easier to Renderzook them with a scythe...
  3. Silsila

    The spawnroom grenades. You're sure they aren't sticky grenades that are being brought back into the room by friendlies?
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  4. hostilechild

    No you can use latency to glitch into the spawnrooms and drop, c4, grenades etc. I have killed quite a few of these guys simply by putting proxies just outside our own spawnroom/teleport rooms when they start pulling the crap.
  5. Mythologicus

    Don't accept a revive if you're lying in the middle of no-man's-land and you can visibly see hundreds upon hundreds of bullets flying directly over your corpse? It's up to you to accept or decline the revive, and if you accept one while you're in such a bad position then you have no reason to be surprised by what happens next.

    I decline more revives than I accept these days because I keep dying in stupid places. If I accept one and then immediately get mowed down, that's my own fault.
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