Ever shank a MAX?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schizomatic, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. SenEvason

    Once back in beta when I kept clipping into him so he couldn't shoot me. Good luck though.

    I've always wanted to be able to rodeo a MAX and repeatedly stab it, though.
  2. MAXArmar

    What a general bloodlust towards our fluffy MAX suits :(
  3. Vhav

    Done it twice.

    First time as a light assault leaving the spawnroom in an amp station, i dropped down on stairs in the building next to the spawn, MAX comes around the corner and scares teh **** out of me. Pure reaction makes me put about 6 shots in him and knife... surprised the hell out of me when he dropped dead.

    Second time around was at some event with the outfit, think they called it slay the giant or something. One guy get an NC MAX, the rest of us VS (home faction) are then ment to knife him while he mow us down... everybody start chaing him and knifing, he kills us in droves. I find a rythm sprinting behind him, knifing twice then hide in the mob again. Eventually i get him down, feeling very proud i get killed, ressed and killed by the VS.
    Appearently we wasn't supposed to kill him... needless to say i was confused and left the event afterwards.
  4. Axehilt

    Yeah I unloaded my entire SMG into this MAX one time and because I was completely out of ammo, he was oblivious, and the battle was lost anyway I ran up to try for the knife. I got about 7-8 slices in (a fair chunk of time to spend in melee range of a MAX as infil) and no kill. I didn't have high expectations really, but after taking damage from another teammate and getting to around the 6th slice I thought maybe it might've happened.
  5. Yeahy

  6. SpruceMoose

    done it 6 times 2 NC maxes 3 TR and 1 VS
    only because I try it so much

    NC maxes were out in the open running from VS fire, ignored me scratching their backs
    TR maxes were just luck, unload everything into them then zigzag rush them with a poke to the eye
    the VS max came into a gen room I was guarding, looking out the door for any enemies. he either deiced standing right in front of me was a good idea or didn't see me while looking straight at me. Knifed him to say **** off I can't see past your fat *** and he died
  7. ZomboWTF

    i killed a mossie with my beamer once :D
  8. Yuukikun

    i got a bunch of knife kills on MAXes, also got some using the spiker.
  9. DrBash00

    Hmmm yes, i done it some times.... Outfit mate knifed a NC scattermax while bunnyhopping around it (knifed multible times).

    From my last "max knifing" i have a video somewhere on my computer, if you wish i upload it on my youtubechannel and you can see how it looks ;-).

    But i dont think its thaaat special, more of a luck thing ^^.
  10. iller

    I had the usual hater-parade of idiots chasing my MAX on amerish after abandoning a biolab satellite that was beyond saving... and I was running Raven/Falcon combo and managed to kill atleast 4 of them on my hasty retreat to the Lab's vehicle bay before the last 2 finally got me down into the red area. One more of them bites the rocket as I'm playing merry-goRound at the biggest tree along the homestretch. Then suddenly some stalker infiltrator or something pops out of a shrub 4ft from me and by that point shooting the ground will only result in me suiciding and Charge was still on cooldown. So it turned into a melee fight instead, and he won it.

    TLDR; I congratulated him and he whispered back that I was actually the 2nd MAX he'd killed with the knife. I was pretty amazed by that considering just how pathetic its damage is against armor...
  11. FocusLight

    Happened to me a couple times while auraxium the MSW-R. Conced a MAX, got him a ML-7 shot, emptied the clip, and he did not die. Charged him with my knife and started shankin' away. A few times the MAX died. Always a total OH YEAH! moment when that happened.