European servers are getting merged

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Jul 9, 2014.


    Played like for a week and I'm wondering is Ceres really that low pop wise? Feels like there's a decent amount of action. Especially since two conts are usually locked anyways. As for Population balance, as far as I can tell every faction has their ups and downs. Really depends on who is domination/abouttowinanalert. The faction hopping is ludicrous
  2. Whatupwidat

    All I hope is that Miller gets more decent NC outfits - we've got a few, but not enough.
  3. Sworaven

    Miller NC actually has quite a few decent outfits. MCY, JNJ, XDT, WASP just to name a few.

    The only faction on Miller that is severely lacking for quality-outfits is the VS. Sure, there's IVRI but that's about it.
  4. DJStacy

    What is this rubbish you are talking about ........come on please. There is NO way you have the scope or playtime with all the factions on every server to rate anyone....and after countless days playing on Woodman I've not come across constant air ganking. And when now and then a few pilots try to camp the warp gate we just pull a squad of sky guards and shoo them off so the less experienced players can make it out safe .......................

    Just so you know day before yesterday Woodman TR won every alert all day .....when we have reasonable population we are winners, You cant judge the rank of a faction because they win while overpopulated, TR win while underpopulated which is harder to achieve in my book.

    Obviously you have your opinions, Im just saying I don't share the same view. But I'm looking forward to the merge.
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  5. FieldMarshall

    Should be called Werner, after the old PS1 EU server.

    They could call it Gemeni. That's the last remaining server in PS1 at the moment =]
  6. DJStacy

    Agree'd If TR are in front during an alert after an hour in, we tend to hold our population. If we are a little behind then we generally bleed out another 5/6 % population. I don't blame the players for doing so, its a game mechanic people use for extra exp when trying to lvl up. SOE still say its not a problem so a small amount of players will carry on doing it, its not a game breaker just a little frustrating at times because if they had faith and stayed the coarse we would win more often.
  7. Rebornvanu

    Woodman have a VS overpop? The last month we have a pop from 25-30 %. We win many alerts, but that have nothing to do with an overpoop. The overpoop at the end ofalerts happened if we win. Maybe 4th faction or rage quitting of TR and NC. A merge to a TR or NC overpop will kill the balance for sure.
  8. Vikingo

    Dont really care which server we get merged with, it will feel akward anyway with all those strangers running around. I find it interesting though how many seem to want to get merged with woodman. Save for [REBR] in CC, Moukass and Joshino the server hasnt really stood out much from the rest, at least not from what I have noticed.
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  9. DJStacy

    Woodman stands out because it has an excellent community between all the factions, the leaders from all factions get along when we have a server meeting.

    I've heard that this isn't the case for all the other servers, some are but the Woodman Community stands out as having the most respectful and approachable set of outfit leaders :).
  10. Bankrotas

    No actually, no server is that much lower than other pop wise. Actually all servers have quite same populations.
  11. Vikingo

    So you are saying that Woodman claims the title as your friendly neighborhood server that everyone gets along with?
  12. Athanasios2104

  13. DJStacy

    Yes I would say that Woodman is a server where all parties no matter what faction often work together for good of the server.

    I'm obviously speaking from personal experience, but I've been in meetings with the leaders of the other factions and they are all very nice people that want the best for Woodman. There is no infighting and the meetings are always friendly, which in it's self makes Woodman my No.1 choice for community.

    On the field its business as usually trying anyway we can to get the upper hand, but off the battlefield we all have mutual respect for each other which is something that I hope carries over to whom ever we merge with .............
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  14. Noppa

    How come is that, population is pretty much the same in every server, give or take few hundred players.

    Sure Woodman has had pretty balanced populations since the start of the server, but lets be fair.. NC sucks on Woodman, missing all the big / med sized GOOD outfits and the few good ones it has are getting smaller every month!
    There is hell of a lot small outfits in NC side who wont make any kind of cooperative gameplay cos the egos wont mix with each others!
    TR sucks on Woodman too and they know only how to zerg and on VS side there is KOTV zergfit which actually does it job most of the times even when they are few % less populated, but that is only cos of the zerg and they manage it, nothing to do with skill(not saying all are bad in there).

    So new blood to the server would be nice, maybe the TR and NC actually get their **** together with new players / outfits!

    And also the airgame sucks on Woodman, we only have few good pilots there who destroy everyone and most of the times they tend to play together on same side or play on different factions but still kills same targets and not each others.. so more good pilots would be nice too!

    And i don't even wanna start talking about how the TR / VS had tendency to 2v1 NC ALOT at one point, thank god it ain't like that anymore, still remember those shouts at NC WG "dont attack each other kill the NC" :D
  15. Scorponok

    So your arguement is that because NC suck at fighting...and then TR is woodman should have a merge based on that...i totally disagree yes NC are horrible on woodman but i dont feel that we should punish a other server by merging us with them.. they should rather face a other server that needs a merger more then woodman..thats the only fair deal to be drawn out of it.
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  16. Plunutsud pls

    VS is underpop on all EU servers.

    Look to Emerald for salvation.
  17. Noppa

    NO, u was saying that Woodman doesn't need a merge at all, of course it does and it doesn't matter which server it get as long there is more players.. balances will work out like they always have.

    And yes of course i want TR and NC to perform better and get more good outfits, makes the gameplay more interesting and more fun.. do i want 1 faction to be over populated = no of course not!

    Population wise Miller would be perfect merge with Woodman as a balance wise no idea since i don't play on Miller that much!
    If u look the populations from Sirisian, it rly doesn't matter what merge Woodman get's in the end, after all we are talking about only MAX 100 player differences on populations and that depends on the day since it changes everyday!
  18. Silronth

    Miller is a great server to play,best outfits and players from all the game(most of players are experienced and you can find some good fights here on miller),tho,vs is always underpoped on miller,i think it would be cool if we would get an merge with an server with a big vs pop.
  19. Hartkernharald

    yeah i'm not talking about what happened the day before yesterday, i mean the general, let's say infrastructure of the faction. it may get a little complicated in the middle, but the first 2 and the last 2 are very clear. just regularly opening the squad page during prime time already tells you quite a bit about the faction.

    well obviously not constant, but this whole vsaf (or were they called vaaf?) / macw thing never happened on miller and ceres. most of the time, you can just spawn an esf there and shoot some stuff. it's pretty neat.
  20. Astriania

    Seems like an odd time to be merging servers, continent lock has already condensed the pop so that (at least on Miller) there are long prime time queues for one continent and decent fights on the other.