ESL, tested all, initial impressions and issues I noticed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UrMom306, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. UrMom306

    Ok guys, just going to share some thoughts that I had after testing all the ESL.

    Tests: Done in each of the empire's VR room, used against Main battle tanks and Sundy's

    Striker: Seemed to do pretty good. It requires a lock (we all know this) so it's sorta just an annihilator upgrade (or downgrade depending on how you look at it). TR generally tends to be a "zergy" type faction, so these are going to be pretty effective in groups. Damage to the main battle tanks seemed fair, but that's if you land all the rockets. It's kind of a trade off, with the annihilator you can lock and get it where you know that the rocket is going to hit, the striker since it takes a longer time to do full dps there are more chances of the tank evading or getting behind cover.

    Issues: Since this is so close to the annihilator (basically just reskinned) alot of the issues this weapon could have has been hammered out really. People have suggested nerf the weapon, which instead of nerfing i'd rather see them buff the other two. I'm tired of nerfing lol.

    Phoenix: Damage to me seemed on par with the striker. I could take out a battle tank and sundy in roughly the same amount of reloads as the Striker. They may want to adjust it though on a per vehicle basis, I do more damage to a MBT than a Flash...which is dumb lol. I've heard complaints that the turn is terrible on it. The thing that people need to stay a hold of is it's suppose to be a rocket, not a mini kamikaze reaver that can fly around in circles in the sky looking for targets then dive bombing into them. The Phoenix needs to be still used like an annihilator but then controlled to adjust for vehicle movement. On to the issues

    Issues: The issues i noticed with this are kinda contradictory of each other. I feel like speed needs to be dialed down slightly. The reason I say this is they've put the 300m limit on it for balance, so they want you to use it within that, however the rocket flys so fast it's hard to adjust the rocket. The initial launch of it is pretty freakin fast, it's crazy. I tested this by shooting about 20 meters to the left of a sundy about 100m away from me and I missed it every time. The initial launch propels the rocket so fast your left with about 50 or so meters to adjust which isn't enough. The rocket would really work better if it was meant for range, so it would give you time to adjust...but then you would be out of the 300m radius, so thats the issue i see. Also using the mouse to control this is tough, maybe if they add an option to control it with the WASD keys? Also it's currently bugged if you direct hit infantry in the VR it goes straight through them.

    Lancer: This one I liked alot. People are saying it's the most underpowered one of the three, but I had no trouble dropping MBT and sundy's in the same as the other factions. The charge is cool, it's kinda like the penalty TR has for having to lock on, the only difference is they can charge it in cover and then pop out. The thing is once it's charged it fires so you gotta time that right with your movement and aim....otherwise your gunna launch a fully charged shot into your cover which might give you some damage. I also think the trail it leaves is fair, maybe lower the time it stays by a slight tad. The trail has to be there though, the projectile moves so fast, it's really easy to miss where it came from.

    Issues: As many have said the charged projectile is actually 3 tightly clustered shots, so one doesn't hit, you lose that full charge potential. I think this needs to be changed, make it one projectile. If they charge up they risked it and should get the full DPS of the shot.

    Anyways these are just my first findings messing around with them on my lunchbreak. Comments are welcome, but for the love of god please keep them constructive, friendly, all that good stuff.
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