ESFs are not direct counters to liberators. So what is?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kriegson, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Deschain

    Sans Planetside, where pilot and gunner needed actual skill to line up targets.
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  2. Silus

    *Shrugs* Well it's the best we got currently.
  3. Kriegson

    Imo reducing the roll/pitch in which the belly gun can be used would help immensely towards this. Keep a high rotation on the shredder, sure. But the other cannons should not be so easy to fire while upsidedown flying 500 mph and doing a barrel roll.

    Yes I can and have killed Libs using mustang from a distance and hounding them for 10+ seconds pouring rounds into them. But only when there is no friendly air cover and often when the enemy lib is a mediocre crewed and kitted lib. The moment he has a single friendly ESF or some air cover from the ground there's now way I can kill him in time.

    Other counters often at least let you kill the target if they don't react quickly. C-4 on max or tank mine spam on sundy/tank, run in and drop AP mines..etc. You might not survive but you took out the target.
    There is nothing comparable for libs. The only "Direct counter" still has to bleed them to death over the course of half a minute, realistically.
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  4. Dead soldier

    This is the gun way, staying far away with a mustang/needeer/saron is much more effective, and some aim. Not difficult at all, the Video I showed is the more advanced, fun way of dealing with the best lib crews.
  5. Dead soldier

    Direct counter, C4 to a max usually fails because the max either charges away, the max is smart and shoots me, the C4 Fails, or the max's buddy kills me or just spots me so I die from everything. Also, I rarely get the kill on the max because of flak armor. You also have to be really close and have to wait an eternity for the C4 to plant and detonate. I wouldn't call C4 a direct counter to maxes. Smart playing by the max will have it only dieing to mass infantry shooting at it or a lucky C4 placement, just like good lib crews don't die to a single, mediocre ESF.
  6. Kriegson

    I'm not great with C4 either, but I've died to it plenty as a MAX. On the same token I've killed plenty of C4 faeries being very obvious about it before they could drop on me. It's like playing Spy against heavy in TF2 (Something I'm also not very good at :p) you have to know when the target is not simply "Not looking in your direction" but actively has his attention focused elsewhere.
    If I'm busy trying to kill a HA who is trying to rocket me, that is an excellent time to drop C4 on me from behind or above. The fact remains that IF C4 works, it instantly kills the max UNLESS they have spent 1000K+ certs into Flak, and at which point you could easily pop them in the face a few times if they haven't dashed off.

    Alternatively you can just toss C4 onto the wall next to a doorway they are likely to walk in. And on top of that there are plenty of other soft counters. AV grenades can do massive damage to MAX's, engie turrets allow you to spew a fusillade at their face and they can't do anything back, if they don't bugger off they die. I've done that plenty, similar with AV turret but they die much faster.

    Then there's HA rockets, 2 of which will kill a MAX. Flak does not protect against direct hits, only splash. So on and so forth.
  7. Dead soldier

    But rocket launchers do direct hit damage and Splash damage to maxes, Right?
  8. Kriegson

    Yeah but only the splash is mitigated, so 2 shot kill (At least with deci) or close enough that bullets can quickly finish them off. Just pop out of cover, shoot, move back in. I've nearly solod 2 vanu maxes doing this in a biolab. They were walking across the middle bit and I came around the wall and saw em. Swap, fire, back behind wall, run to other side, fire, run back behind cover, reload, fire and take down one before the other rounded the corner and finished me off with 50% of his HP.
  9. VeryCoolMiller

    ESF ARE direct counter to liberators.
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  10. sestun

    I used to trail lib to protect them from other ESF. I learned very quickly that they didn't need my help.
  11. Wobulator

    Valkyrie with 2 decimators. Problem solved.
  12. Kuro1n

    Fixed that for you.
  13. DevDevBooday

    The best counter for libs atm is Redeploy.
  14. BlakeA

    Vanguards are scarier than skyguards to my lib.
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  15. Gundem

    ^ Is obviously ignorant of the nasties a pair of ESF's will do to a Liberator.
  16. Kuro1n

    Oh so you need a few ESF to kill that lib... WELL in that case I suppose infiltrator is hard counter to MAX a well right? Stupid.
  17. BlakeA

    How many AP rounds does it take to kill a composite verses other Liberator frame? Personaly, vanguards are scarier than skyguards due to the damage done in their first hit.

    I have had some very fun duels against some good ESF pilots in my lib. Small agility verses high damage. I messaged a few pilots after the fight saying, "Nice Dance".

    To the origional poster Kriegson:
    • Zoom out your mini-map with left brace [
    • Look out your side windows by holding middle mouse button
    • Save some afterburner for emergencies if possible.
    • Flying in a streight line will get you killed
    • Flying in a curved "path" can get you killed
    • "Side-steping" with spacebar and ctrl will get you killed but not necessarily from someone in front of you.
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  18. Gundem

    No, you only need one.

    But more then that, and it's just plain ****.

    I'd love to record some footage of myself tearing a few Libs a new one, but I can't figure out how to even Shadowplay :/

    P.S. Rocketpods do terrible things to Liberators. Learn to use them to your advantage.
  19. Kuro1n

    If you can't take down a single ESF when flying libs with your mates you are terrible... I have been flying lib less than 3 hours, never got killed by a ESF but killed a good number, just put a dalton or whatever you have in them and they are dead. Other than that you have a ******** of HP anyway so escaping to friendlies is not especially hard.
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  20. HellasVagabond

    Sure if the Liberator is flying VERY low or it's Hovering a Vanguard can hit it...Still with the composite armor a Vanguard needs to land 3 AP shells to take it down.....Do you know how often that happens ? Most Lib pilots have AB equipped so the moment you hit them once BOOM and they are away. The Liberator needs a serious nerf since right now no other vehicle can compare to it.
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