ESF(fighters) are unbalanced, not the GALAXIES NOR THE LIBERATOR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daedrick, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Saiff

    What's with everyone bagging on ESFs. I played this first week mostly as infantry cause I suck at flying but I've had no problem fighting against air. The only time a rocket pod kills me is when they sneak up on me. If I am watching the skys all I have to do is launch one hawk and they run away before they can line up a shot. I've gotten at least 15 direct ESF kills with my G2A(hawk/skyguard/2ndary gunner) excluding burster maxes because I just certed into them and I've been using all my infantry resources on nades and c4. I've also gotten at least 70-80 assists on ESFs. At most I've died 15 times to rocket pods, granted when they kill me so fast I get pissed off but the carv kills me a hell of a lot faster and its not on a massive cooldown.

    People whine so much about how strong rocket pods are but they have 3 volleys and all but the best pilots need to hover and aim to land effective hits, their aoe is ****, leaving them open to tons of G2A. It's really not hard for 3 people to go HA and each launch 1 missile at an ESF. Not to mention they are useless at capping any major facility except maybe amp stations.

    Anti-air is fine infantry should always out number air and at a 3 to 1 ratio G2A ***** air. Say you have 30 infantry and 10 ESFs you don't even need 30 of those infantry with G2A just a handful of HA with lock ons and a couple of
    Burster Maxes, the rest to take their attention away. Ofcourse if its in an open field the infantry might have some trouble but anyplace with something to hide behind is auto win for the infantry.
    • Up x 1
  2. GraphicJ

    They are great as they are. Maybe buff the G2A rockets and buff the Burster about 10%+ damage? I don't mind it as a pilot.
  3. CoreDave

    Haw many times... This was tried in Beta. The result (which should be obvious to anyone who stops and thinks about it) is that anywhere with anything going on becomes a no go area for aircraft, which effectively removes aircraft from the game. Think about it, you yourself said AA should be area denial. Denial! IE you can't go here or you WILL die. How on earth does that make sense, maybe you also think there should be area denial weapons against tanks that insta kill any tanks that approach within a km? Or Infantry?

    Fact is AA already has enormous advantages against air, chief being air is highly visible and doesn't have anything to hide behind (unless its skimming the ground which just exposes you to everything from small arms up) while aa units can hide among the terrain. Expecting AA to be "dealt with by ground forces" is quite simply and obviously not going to happen outside of a large organised outfit and even then when AA can sit safely back behind friendly lines its far easier said than done, couple that with the fact when you are on the ground anyone can quickly and easily jump in an AA unit I hardly think clearing out aa is a practical suggestion.

    I'll say it again, ESFs are not the problem, there are way less of the around than any of the ground vehicle types, rocket pods are a litte ott and could do with being toned down but any other complaints about air units are simply unjustified and if you spent any reasonable amount of time in the air you would realise that.
  4. Daedrick

    Im not asking to buff AA.

    Im not asking to nerf rocket pods.

    Im asking to split them between anti-tank and anti-infantry just like every other guns on every other vehicules in this game.
  5. TerroDragon23

    Best wy to counter ESF = ESF
    The want that there is an air superiority that matters and cant get killed by 2 AA maxes or other AA
  6. bloodgulge

    ESFs are more powerful than tanks in small battles. In large battles however, tanks multiply force more effectively, and pretty much everything is covered in AA. It is also false to say that it's easier to run away as an ESF. The skies can be vast and coverless, and hostile ESF's will chase you down without a chance to repair. In a tank, you can utilize cover and instantly teleport out of your vehicle and start repairing. Again, in large battles, all the secondary tank guns and bursters/turrets make the ESF's at a disadvantage against ground.

    At least admit there are 3x more tanks in large battles than ESF's, and half of the ESF's are occupied with other air.
  7. bloodgulge

    If you have 50 infantry at a base, with 3 AA maxes, the ESF's can't do a thing.
  8. BengalTiger

    But that's due to rendering distance.

    If the pilots really wanted to, they'd do a quick SEAD mission and the MAXes would be gone quickly.

    Maybe the pilots don't want to do SEAD, because it's risky business and requires teamwork?