ESF AV Armor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JDS999, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. JDS999

    ive seen a similar post but since ive been practicing flying lately, getting better every day or so it seems, my idea on the 3 esf are that they are very similar and the better piolet will always win. On the other had these prowelers that im saposed to be countering with my reaver tends to alway get blown up to these prowler main cannons. i can now esally avoid aa maxes and lock on attempts by flying low with terrain. i try to attempt low fast runs quick in and out using after burners when needed but always seem to get instigib by prowlers. is this the new AA gun for the terrans, im not sure. this week alone ez 30-40 deaths to prowler cannons(90% feels like). is it just me am i doing something wrong? should i not attack prowlers anymore? is this op for them to have, infintry and air farming machine?
    might be tank bots as well its hard for me to report not knowing for sure. some of my deaths were flying adjact from tank and getting double shot while full speed low to ground with afterburners, it just makes me wonder no other tank main gun allows one to farm infintry and aircraft.
  2. MadGelo

    I have same issue with good Vanguards.

    In fact, they are way harder to kill than any other tank in game.

    Something tells me that you are not really interested in my answer, as your post seems to be another prowler whine.

    Instead of whining on the forum, you should try to learn how to fly your Reaver better.
  3. Dingus148

    Oh don't be silly. Prowlers are the new Skyguard, what with their hitscan laser rounds and the ability to fire over 9000 rounds a second.
  4. JDS999

    im just wondering if the only thing taking out other esfs are tank cannons as u see esf av armor(main idea). and yes now on my server there are 45% tr on indar so it does get annoying with the mass prowlers. the late night tr dont even attack anymore they just setup to farm wither thier tanks really not worried about capping bases. and yes it feels good to whine sometimes.
  5. Dingus148

    45% pop advantage means team up with the other faction and play smart. Vanguards hit me when I fly stupidly. If they try to farm you, mass anni's or SKEPs to defeat them, and enjoy that sweet, sweet tank farm.

    And if you want to whine? Keep it to yourself or discuss it with your outfit buddies. Chances are they'll hear you out. On here you're just the 1000th thread like this today
  6. MadGelo

    anchored, means they dont move.

    doesn't take an ace to sneak in from behind and destroy it in two seconds
    • Up x 1
  7. Dingus148

    I was being highly sarcastic. The claim that the Prowler is the new AA platform of choice is an outright lie and I feel it deserves to be parodied far beyond my capacity to humiliate.
    • Up x 1
  8. Wintermaulz

    unfortunatly, most forum warriors around here couldnt put 2 and 2 together.
  9. y3ivan

    you need some guide and some experience before going up against armor.

    It is possible to engage inexperienced tank driver and get out safely but against well experience drivers, it alot harder to pull out the trick.

    1. only engage loose column of tanks usually 1-3 tanks in the area.
    2. if your flying low and use the element of surprise. 6-8 hits in the rear of a MBT is enough to kill it.
    3. always have a rough idea about the terrain and the location of the MBTs, and always attack them from the rear. Try not to fly too close to them, or you will be highlighted in the minimap. (good idea to get stealth)
    4. use nosegun trick.
    5. only engage a prolonged engagement if your in the blindspot of the tank (turret blind spot = 45deg vertical) and mags turret at 30 deg fore gun
    6. It will always be easier, if the tank crew is distracted by other tanks, infantry, or friendly ESFs.