Esamir sucks - convince me otherwise

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Larolyn, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Larolyn

    I use to love Esamir. The wide open spaces, the rolling plains and the huge expanses outside. Tank battles were amazing and just the challenge of getting from one base to another was an obstacle to overcome. The infantry combat when at a base was intense as at any moment a bloody Prowler could start lobbing HE rounds into you causing a quick and painful demise. Lolpodders were numerous and AA was needed wherever you went. The FPS before the clutter on Esamir came was fantastic. Hitting a constant 80 FPS wherever I went. Amazing.

    Now Esamir has lost a lot of its charm for me. The roads and shortcuts I use to know for moving my tank around are blocked. Rocks, boulders, trees and all other assortments of obstacles obstruct my way forward. My favourite place for a tank battle does not even have a lattice link between it. Aurora Materials and Apex Genetics is no longer connected. Was my all time tip top super favourite place for battling it out with tanks. Infantry would only garner my attention if lock ons or AV turrets were used. Was there purely to tank battle.

    When I enter a base in Esamir now to experience infantry combat I just do not know what to think. Choke points are numerous, some of the flip points are in the dumbest places I have ever seen. Found one base with the Alpha point located at the bottom of a courtyard surrounded by tall buildings where the defenders could just use the vantage point to obliterate all the attackers. Half of my time with infantry on Esamir is spent looking for an exit or an entrance to a base surrounded by prison walls. I've certed out a LA just to try to enjoy Esamir and I cannot do it. Cannot enjoy it.

    The new Esamir holds no charm for me whatsoever. All of its magic was taken away and replaced with drab grey walls, choke points of large scale slaughter and tank battles are just an after thought now. I stick to Indar mostly these days. Enjoying tank battles around Snake Ravine Lookout and Xeno Tech Labs, with the occasional battle up north near Abandoned NS Offices all the way to Camp Waterson. By the way, Camp Waterson was amazing for tank on tank action. Shame it's not so easy to get to.

    Infantry combat is just more enjoyable on Indar as well cause despite there being tanks everywhere shelling, libs shelling, lolpodders podding, there is space to breathe. Space to fight. AA is a requirement to move around as it should be and anti armour is a requirement to move around, again as it should be. I don't need no walls or dome shields to deal with that. I need space to deal with that. Not cramped spaces. Tank shells are a part of the combined arms conflict and though I don't always avoid them, I know where they are located afterwards and will know how to deal with them.

    So convince me, what am I missing about Esamir? What charm does it have that has completely swept me by? I love the lattice, I hate the base design. Convince me why I should fight on Esamir.

    TL;DR Esamir is awful and has lost all its charm. Show me what charm it has.
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  2. Yetskii

    I hate that whomever has the North West warpgate has most of the air resources on Esamir. ******** well, since they won't let me post what I about totally stupid placement of resources.
  3. IronWarrior

    I didn't like the new change at first but few days later, am enjoying better tank battles then ever before.

    There is so many good points to put a tank at and just kill anything that you can see, you just need to go find them.
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  4. Torok

    on Ceres there's not enough players lately to make it enjoyable to play there, and the Alerts on Esamir are way too scarce, and I don't much bother zoning if it's the Biolab one, They are a *********** with the lattice.

    Still I like it, for the long-term, it's a good change, but for now it's desolated

    Yeah agree tanks are totally viable on Esamir but you need to know when to pick them, looking ahead on the map can give you an idea if you're going to do anything useful with it or just wasting your time, other than that, tank fights there are Amazing, much better than on 3/4 of Indar map.

    Too bad there's only one Tech plant and they don't really happen :p
    it's just MBTs vs lightnings mostly
  5. BigMacDeez

    The Striker ruined Esamir. AMIRITE?
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  6. Larolyn

    Shoo. Grown ups are talking.
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  7. Scudmungus

    I'm deperatley trying to resist making the somewhat puerile remark of..

    "You Sir, suck. Convince me otherwise."

    hnng. Must.. be... strong!

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  8. UberBonisseur

    Feeling extremely mixed.

    The walls trap players in. We're not talking fortifications here, the walls are cages.
    Also see the chokepoints IN FRONT OF THE SPAWN supposed to "protect" the defenders

    The added rocks and overall "forced" chokepoints, especially on the north west part, radically transformed the open nature of the continent. It gets better near the frozen river.

    There are some good base concepts; yet I can't name one. Maybe the double decker base.

    Too few lattice links for a map as small as this one; most end up in a Biogrind dead end.

    Won't say the new Esamir is bad, but I'm having a really hard time coming out with something positive to say about it.
    Hossin has proved base design can be creative and powerful; Esamir is... ugh.
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  9. Pikachu

    The trees were the best change. I love them and I want more of them.
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    I agree, the new Esamir kind of sucks. I play as Infantry I would say 80% of the time btw;). Performance issues aside, what I really miss in the new Esamir is the wide open plains where cover was actually few and far between which made infantry combat highly interesting. You had to use cover wisely, and if you'd run out just a second too early, you'd have a tank shell/ high calibre round in the head. Positioning, awareness and good aim were highly important in outdoor battles. Now, there's cover and tons of hiding spots everywhere and yet again everything boils down to CQC hipfire ADAD spam. I haven't seen interesting outdoor battles on that cont in a while since the changes hit. And the new bases make me feel like I'm trapped on a non-stop basis:(.

    I too used to play on Esamir I would say exclusively from about march to the moment GU13 went live because I hated Indar and the lattice with a passion. Now I find myself playing on Indar almost all the time since the new Esamir just doesn't cut it for me and Amerish is rather empty the majority of the time :confused:
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  11. BigMacDeez

    Not so much...
  12. Mr_Giggles

    Nobody here is going to convince you of an opinion not of your own. You either like it or you don't. If you do, that's fine. If you don't, oh well. Personally I still see plenty of open spaces for tank battles. I still see lots of huge slaughter fights that you claim are gone. AA is still there when its needed. In fact the only thing I can agree on with other people is that walls should at the very least have catwalks.
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  13. Voidz

    I used to play on Esamir almost exclusively.
    Esamir pretty much was Planetside 2 to me.
    Since the recent updates I didn't play the game once.
    I feel that with the lattice and the Esamir changes the game has been ruined for me.
    And I don't even care about all the money I spent.
    I just miss the fun I know I will never have again in this game.
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  14. eldarfalcongravtank

    the best place for all-out combined-arms warfare still remains in and around saerro listening post. defending or attacking that base with infantry, tanks and aircraft is always so thrilling, i love it! especially if the attack is launched from the north or east where flat ground offers tanks to use the open area to their advantage.

    apart from that, esamir is rather boring even though i love snow maps in shooter games. mani biolab sucks, freyr and nott amp stations too, the southside of the continent is horrible anyway, not to mention the new large infantry-only outposts. the only base decently designed is eisa techplant maybe because it's also the only techplant on that continent. by the way, if your faction doesn't own that said techplant, it's pretty tedious having to pull an MBT from the waprgate everytime.

    not to mention, esamir (as well as amerish) looks the same everywhere, while indar offers diverse locations and terrain. indar will stay the most-played continent in the long term, even after hossin's release
  15. Seasickness

    Esamir went from being my favorite continent, to the worst. If I wanted to fight in a tiny little box, I'd just play Counterstrike. The new bases are not just mediocre. They're quite awful, and I hope they go away soon.
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  16. Zombekas

    It got snow n stuff yo.
  17. Larolyn

    At Christmas you can bet your sweet *** I am gonna be all over Esamir, shooting flares at trees and looking at the fairy lights (cause they have to.. it's christmas). Gonna be all over that ****.
  18. CaligoIllioneus

    The bases should be better when they change the walls (they said they are changing it so the walls can be manned) but yes, those infantry-only bases suck right now unless you're a light assault. Dying to frag grenade spam near chokepoints isn't really fun.
  19. then00b

    The walls suck, everything else seems alright.
  20. Midnightmare

    I miss old esamir as well way more cool battles before.
    Open land stallmates was something rather weird but still pretty cool! and very unique.

    Now its just a white indar :p

    Also the concept of making walls with a lot og high hills surounding same base seem rather unlogical to me!