[Suggestion] Esamir Needs a Revamp

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GunGood, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. GunGood

    I'm sure many others will agree with me on this, and that is that Esamir needs a BIG revamp. What I mean by this, is that the lattice system on Esamir is unbalanced, to say the least. Unlike the other three continents, Esamir is not balanced well for all three factions. The faction who owns the North-Western Warpgate is pretty much screwed in Alerts and hardly ever locks the continent. One reason for this is because it is stuck directly between the other two factions: one to the south and another one to the east. And thanks to the lattice system, the faction who owns this warpgate is always getting double-teamed since it is easier for the other two factions to defend along this lattice (thus creating larger and longer fights which is what most people want) than for them to fight each other in the south-east part of the map. The two biolabs on either side of the North-Western Warpgate don't help the situation, considering that biolabs are population sinks for the attacking faction, requiring enormous overpop to cap them. Even the construction system is unbalanced on Esamir. If a HIVE is built at Haven Outpost by the owners of the North-Western Warpgate, then their HIVE is around 50% efficiency because of how many hexes Haven is from the Eastern Warpgate. A HIVE built by the Eastern Warpgate would also be at around 50% efficiency if built in Northpoint Station. Because of this, Esamir needs a serious revamp of its lattice system and its bases to make it more balanced and similar to the other continents.
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  2. BlackSteel97

    Even though Esamir is my fav continent, I do agree that the battle flow needs some work
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  3. Campagne

    If such a revamp were to be anything like the Indar revamp, then I'd say no thank you. :eek:
  4. Khallixtus

    The biggest problem is indeed that the North Western warpgate is somewhat sandwiched between the others. It means that they cannot capture any large amount of land without getting extremely close to opposing warpgates or going down the middle to stay away from them, which ends up dividing the opposing factions and limiting their ability to fight each other.
    Basically what I'm saying and what OP said is that the faction in the North Western warpgate will rarely hold large amounts of land after a few hours of gameplay.
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  5. Armcross

    Good news, it is the next continent that is gonna get revamp. The bad news is when.
  6. DeadlyOmen

    How about take lattice away altogether and let the players decide what happens?

    Man, I miss the days before the battle-nanny.
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    A point needs to be removed out of all Towers & Bio-labs need a revamp.

    Esamir actually does have a good lattice..... but the bases screw it up.
  8. Bruiserdog

    I miss old Esamir.
  9. Pikachu

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  10. Maxor

    What i'd like to see is the devs add 3-4 new continents to the list with home continents and finally add the much discussed global lattice system.

    Then they should revamp the current continents to support a fourth WG and more fluid cross continental battles.
  11. Pikachu

    Wrel said some months ago that with current low pop, ICL would kill the game. So we can stop dreaming about many continents and lattice between them.
  12. Partl

    Some more Trees and stuff, to provide more cover to infantry would already have some impact. Reworking some bases (taking down some walls), for giving tanks a chance to participate in those fights, instead of camping the bases, could help aswell.
  13. Liewec123

    nooooo! every time they revamp a map it gets worse,
    i think esamir might be the last continent with A points in towers (which i think is great!)

    esamir is my favourite map because of how basic it is, no trees everywhere like hossin, no canyons and impassable terrain like indar/amerish, just big flat open spaces :D