Esamir & Amerish Facility Connections

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Terrex, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Terrex

    This was popping up for me while I was on Indar but not Esamir or Amerish..

  2. IamDH

    Those lattices' have alot more strategy
    Notice how a link can go behind the base you are supposed to go to.
    I have no idea how you got that :eek: it doesnt happen to me
  3. Terrex

    It shows up for me when I look at Esamir and Amerish when I am on Indar.
  4. IamDH

    I'll try it ingame
    First day of GU11 we found a bug already :)
  5. Paisty

    That is the hex map, as is. Shown with a lattice in place and all the links possible, presently under hex.

    Expect, alot of the links and options to go bye bye, when the lettuce goes live.
  6. Tommyp2006

    Day? We usually find a whole hive of bugs in the first hour.
  7. LGhost1904

    I saw that on Esamir my first time logging in today but it disappeared on the next log in
  8. Pikachu

    How do you look on other continents than the one you are on? That feature was removed ages ago. :S
  9. Terrex

    You click the name at the top with the drop down arrow. :S
  10. PhysicsMan

    There's a little arrow next to the name of the continent you are on which lets you view the other continents.
  11. Pikachu

  12. cwcriner

    Honestly though they still look more appealing with the more complicated web then Indar. Which of course has always been the problem with the Indar lattice, too few connections. Now sure we can see certain connections need to go, but the closer the final lattice looks like these hex bug lattices the better.
  13. cwcriner

    follow up cause it took me longer than the edit timer allows but based on the current map:


    cuts about 30 connections and 3 locations that were known to be annoying/seemed weird. still very rough I'll admit, very much so around the VS Heyoka, wokuk, and tumas trinangle. But still there are meaningfull decisions to made at nearly everypoint, now that's a lattice I could get behind.
  14. Cl1mh4224rd

    I was able to fix this by...
    1. Switch to the map of Indar.
    2. Under Filters, deselect "Facility Connections".
    3. Reselect "Facility Connections".
  15. IamDH
