[Suggestion] ES Sunderer deployment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PatateMystere, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. PatateMystere

    New idea of the day (I got lot of it this time): Empire specific sunderer effect:

    TR Sundy:

    When deployed, TR sunderer refill ammo in an area arround and improve soldiers reload time by 10%. Also mounted weapon of the sunderer get better rate of fire (just as deployed prowler).
    Option: not sure about this but I think TR respawn time should be a little shorter

    NC sundy:

    A deployed NC sunderer is a real fortress that can hold a position for ages. I see two options here:
    - the sunderer deploys a shield that reduce all incoming in the area. A bubble shield, same size as the actual cloak.
    - the sunderer deplays energy shields (like aegis shield) that provide cover to nearby soldiers. You can crounch behind side shields to get cover and there is a roof shield that protect soldiers from top attacks. The sunderer still vulnerable for top attacks.

    VS sundy:

    Basiclly, it's invisible when deployed. No certs required to have it cloaked. I would like to go forward on this: cloaked sundy should be a VS thing only.
    Option: VS sundy is destroyed when deployed and is replaced by a portal. Portal is invisible and you can have a lot more portal deployed in the area than sunderers. A portal got only half the sunderer HP and soldiers can entrer a portal and exist by any other one in the area.
  2. ScorpioLaw


    10% Reload speed! Oh boy! That would be super awesome! I'd much rather have that then some damage reduction!

    I have never come across a community in my life such as this. It's the only PvP community where mag size is comparable to DPS. I don't think people understand that all fights in this game are tiny little duels. In order to win a big fight you need to win the tiny fights over and over.

    Therefor? DPM/DPS/Alpha are still always King.

    And TR should be the king of DPS. However they aren't.

    So yeah. I like the suggestion but maybe give TR a useful ability like faster RoF or something.