Epic striker nerf incoming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ol' Brownfists, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Flag

    We'll have to wait and see it in practice.
    Well, the striker looks like it'll be the superior point defence against ground pounders based on the functionality we can see so far.
    Would that be a fair trade-off? I don't know. We won't know for sure until it's released into the live environment.

    Obviously you don't.
    As for the actual use of the new Striker, wait and see.
  2. Stigma

    Does it though? What does it do at close range point defense that a normal lockon doesn't already do with so much more versatility and range already? A lockon will dish out the damage faster (and more, if annihilator), including the lockon time (very short at close range, significantly shorter than it takes to empty a striker mag) and has more limited exposure time and alphas all its damage at once.

    If it turned out to be "the superior anti-air point defense" option - even if that was all it really did, I could probably live with that - but I contend that it can never fill that role unless it can dish out some damage faster than the other existing options already can - given its other limitations. The lack of alpha damage and necessity of keeping yourself exposed and largely immobile for an extended period compared to the other options makes it even more important that it has some sort of upside like that.

    Yes, we can't know for sure until it's live and thus thoroughly tested - but stuff on test exists to be commented on and if it is difficult to construct a theoretical scenario where the current iteration would be viable compared to existing options then that should be some cause for consideration.

  3. Edenwolf

    They should vastly increase the rate of Fire, too slow at the moment, not enough TR feel.

    Hell they should make it an automatic launcher with larger clip and less damage per round, that should give it a niche. More dps IF all rounds hit, the true TR way.

    Just another idea I'm throwing out there, have more rounds per mag like I stated above but have 2 modes, single shot mode with slightly less rate of Fire but higher velocity for longer range and an automatic mode for closer ranges.
  4. Zotamedu

    The striker is not a long range weapon. It's medium range weapon at best. The lock on range is not very good and the time needed to get a lock and to get all the rockets away and maintaining the lock until they all hit makes it rather useless. It's hard to hit an ESF with it unless they are hovering and ignoring the lock on warning.
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    lel how could the lock-on launcher with the highest dps in the entire game become such a miserable weapon? which TR wanted this?
  6. Pikachu

    The striker has been such a great addition to the game.
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  7. Ol' Brownfists

    Yeah, for you to laugh while we tickle your reavers.
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  8. Flag

    Compared with the Lancer and Phoenix? Yes I'd say it does.
    And the difference towards the normal launchers, it's a lot more forgiving. The others have to either risk it all for a single shot, or spend time locking on. Meanwhile the striker can just fire.

    To be clear, I don't know if it will work out as anything good. But on the other hand we won't know the answer until it hits live. It has potential, at the very least.
    It remains to be seen if it's enough. We'll see.
  9. Ol' Brownfists

    Someone on the PTS was good enough to upload a video of the new striker's performance. He emptied an entire clip into a flash. The flash just sat there and laughed at him.

    There is going to be rage when this thing goes live. Mark my words. Of course there will also be laughter, lots of it. But mostly rage.
  10. TommyXXL

    this will be like the max lockdown, everyone has it, no one uses it, waste of certs.
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  11. Xasapis

    There are a lot of underwhelming things in this game. A lot of overperforming things too. Hopefully the updated striker will hit the live servers in a state that is neither underwhelming or overpowered.
  12. DirtyRoger

    I have to get up early the next day, can't afford to engage a vangard with the new striker
  13. y3ivan

    PTS striker is crap vs aircraft, unless the pilot is either hovering or flying directly towards it.

    Its pretty good vs fast vehicles especially flash, harraser and lighting.
  14. y3ivan

    i do use lockdown on my burster MAX. its pretty useful
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  15. boey

    I only hope the new Striker requires teamwork and organization, such as the Lancer does. TR need the feeling how it is, not being able to effectively lonewolf with an ES Launcher. Same right for everyone.
  16. Chris Bingley

    Can somebody please link the thread where this is mentioned. I can't seem to find it.

    I probably need to go back to Specsavers. :D
  17. Ol' Brownfists

    There you go buddy, brace yourself.
  18. Chris Bingley

  19. Maljas23

    Mmmmm.... Striker.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  20. Chris Bingley

    Okay. That damage is terribad. However, I like the fact that you can dumbfire it now. Nothing upset me more than switching to my Striker only to have an infie uncloak in front of me and thinking "Great, now I can't shoot back!" This is the one thing that has kept me from buying the Annihilator. (Although, I still bought the Striker because it didn't seem right to have the MCG and not have the Striker as well)

    Looking at it from the other (NC) side, I'm wondering what the splash damage is like. I have horrid visions of this becoming a TR PPA/Lasher.

    EDIT: This also gives me a reason to buy the G2A and G2G rocket launchers, which will help with directive hunting.