Epic fail, membership canceled for now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by velourfog, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. velourfog

    I love the game, but you guys really f'd up this time. This is the 2nd 4GB patch in about a month, which by itself is unacceptable, but you also managed to break the game with it. Performance is back to beta levels, infiltrators are completely broken on low gfx settings, med kits are unobtainable, MAX random deadzone still not fixed, random invulnerability/weapons not doing damage worse than ever, res invulnerability BS, multiple tank bugs, various messed up UI elements...

    You need to have a test server, period. If your testers suck, and you insist on constantly creating huge changes to the game with massive patches, then you need to be damn sure that it's not going to RUIN the live game.

    I'm not happy with the game being unplayable right now, so I'm canceling my premium membership that was set to renew next week. Fix the game and stop fixing things that aren't broken. Once the game becomes playable again I'll renew my membership. Until then, I'm not even going to log in.
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  2. VSDerp

    beta had better performance than this well atleast for me.never lagged so hard in ps2 till these past few days since patch.
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  3. Dusty Lens

    You know the patches are that large because of map files, right?

    Just sayin.
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  4. XRaDiiX

    I can't even play right now i was able to play decently fine the whole day with 10-20 fps half of what i used to get before the patch.

    But i just logged in again now and was getting 5-10 fps at the warpgate

    The game is broken they need to Rollback the patch its absolutely a terrible patch and ruining the game.

    They need to fixt he lag issue and stuttering so annoying.
  5. velourfog

    So? I've never played another game that had patches larger than 1GB. Usually 500 MB or less. Why do we have to redownload the whole world every time they make a change? That's not normal.
  6. Zapier

    Not to mention, larger "world" games tend to have larger installs, which translates to larger patches. The OP being ticked off about 2 4GB in a month pretty much made me think less of his rant. The performance downgrade (for me and others) is very disappointing, but patch size has nothing to do with the patch being acceptable or not.
  7. PaperPlanes

    It's 2013. It should take about 10 minutes to download a 4 gig file.
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  8. siiix

    the membership is a joke anyways.. you get +50% XP for about $10 and 500SC that cost on double same $2.50

    when the 50% implant was on sale it was only 250SC ... so for 1000sc = $5 you get the same thing

    not to mention you only get +50% if you prepay 6 months or a member for 6 month and pay even more

    the membership is a really bad deal, unless you have endless money and get the implant AND the long term membership... but if you only have money for one of those then you skip the whole membership bull

    well i too have 100mb internet... but not every one has that... and honestly if my roomie would not work for the ISP i/we could never afford 100 but just the standard cheap shet 6mb DSL

    the other problem is that more and more ISP's limit how many gigs you can download... here in toronto there are 3 ISP's left who offer unlimited and all 3 are slow 6mb DSL's or even slower 0.256 limited-speed cable... and its $1 / gig after you reach the limit... so 4GB file COULD cost you $4
  9. velourfog

    Name another game that has 4GB patches that aren't full on expansions.
  10. Zapier

    I'll do you one better. This was a game update anyways. Not a patch. Update. Not patch.
  11. Vertabrae

    I don't care about update size. Wish the render and FPS issues were fixed. That being said, the last couple days have been the best I've had in game. I've had some truly epic battles that left me slumped in my chair, sweating like crazy and grinning from ear to ear.
  12. velourfog

    Patch and update mean the same thing smart guy. So ya, no other game has 4GB updates.
  13. t31os

    Exactly the situation with the last F2P game i played, they didn't get incremental patching in place until a few months before the game fell flat on it's face(they only lasted a year and a bit after launch - they're still running now but only in a support capacity). We had to redownload the whole game every time there was a patch, no matter how much content or changes were implemented.

    I know this situation all to well, i just hope the majority of the PS2 playerbase doesn't have restrictive ISP packages that force them to dribble down each patch, or patch during unsociable hours, as i have to do(sucks, but it was it is).
  14. xboxerdude

    I know I can't sue em because of the EULA but I had a seizure because of those new flashing pings or hotspots I guess they are called. Never had a problem before with the game and seizures or any other game, and this update really ****** my head for a good hour. I ca honestly see how someone could over look that, but I think it's important to not update your game to give people seizures.
  15. Zapier

    Clearly you don't know the difference between patches and updates. First off, I haven't played many open world MMOs in years, so yeah... most have so much instancing, they only have to fix one or two things. PS2 is like over 10GB in my install folder. I can bet a lot of that are the map files alone. This isn't a game built around a few small maps. Second, updates are often large changes that include either added or modified content. Patches tend to be exactly as it sounds... a patch. You put in an update and something now doesn't work ingame, you patch it to fix it. You tear your pants, you patch it to fix it... or you update and buy whole new pants.

    You realize that every spawn room in the game was modified? Meaning at the very least, every map had to be tweaked and modified to accept the new spawn rooms? That's a lot of work, on top of the other changes they added. Whether those changes are good or not isn't the point of this part of the conversation though.
  16. MiZrY

    Well, most of that 4GB copied over existing files such as: sound, textures, models. These type of files tend to be large.

    Was it an expansion? No, but they updated quite a few things.
  17. Evilmonky

    No, they don't. Not in the MMO world anyways.

    A patch are smaller batches of files that are used to fix issues with a update, they are along the lines of a "hotfix" where a "hotfix" is a "patch" that is pushed outside of the regular "cycle" for the game "patches" and "updates" to fix something that is game breaking (like the tank issues that were happening after the last update)

    A update is a large change to a game that covers several different aspects of the game, such as "game update 1&2". After the update you will get a "version" change as well, normally reflected in patch and hotfix names, such as Version 1.02.05c, which would be Version 1, no major change to the overall base game, update 2, patch 5, with 3 Hotfix (reflected in the "C" designation)

    Sometimes everything is shifted left so the example would read version 2.05.03, Update 2, patch 5, with 3 hotfix.
  18. Dulu

    Your math, and your English, are so bad it's hilarious.

    I hope you're still in the 3rd grade.
  19. DevilJade

    The problem with such huge patches isn't how long they take to download. Every 4gb patch makes my computer like 3 lbs heavier. My PC is way heavier now that it was prior to installing PS2 and updating it. Their code weighs too much, it's 3x as heavy as it should be.