Enter Maxside 2.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DonC, May 22, 2013.

  1. DonC

    Hear ye, hear ye.
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  2. S1eB

    Yep, everywhere I go there seems to be a MAX or two.

    It's the new easymode for cowards that want farm kills ATM.
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  3. Bill Hicks

    THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR CAPTAIN C -4444444444444444444444444444

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  4. Scorponok

    well its either that or shotgun ^^ they gotta get to do something..not everyone can kill so easily.
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  5. Giggily


    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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  6. Tanelorn

    Especially now that ZOE makes VS maxes as fast as a sprinting soldier. How does it matter that they have less HP when they can chase you FOREVER. Stop to shoot them and MAXPUNCH! Run away? Not anymore!
  7. MrK

    oh, look! A MAX!
    oh, look! A shotgun!
    oh, look! A MAX!
    oh, look! A shotgun!
    oh, look! A MAX!
    oh, look! A shotgun!
    oh, look! A MAX!
    oh, look! A shotgun!
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  8. Kronic

    It's only temporary, people just wanna use their max abilities... Jesus you people will whinge about everything.
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  9. Scorponok

    yea its all new...so like all new stuff it gets over used in the start...hopefully it will die out and things will be more normal again.
  10. Sowahka

    Seeing lots of NC MAX spam but haven't seen a single shield out... also don't think I've even seen one that DIDN'T have dual shotguns equipped.
  11. Holomang

    Have you ever played an online game ever?

    When things get significant changes in a major update people like to check out those changes... In two weeks itll be back to normal.
  12. that_darn_lurker

    Its all about the MAX!

    MAX: primary infantry unit
    HA: protect max flank, secondary infantry unit
    Engies: heal max
    Medic: rez max

    LA & Inf: sneak up on max
  13. DonC

    Then what was the purpose of the test server? to release what? striker, phoenix and lancer again?

    They might as well not bother with the test server if they will release this.
  14. iller

    Bad time to be an Infiltrator. ...that's my only complaint...

    They seriously need to give us a way to screw these guys over.
    It's total BS that every other class has a way to play the "MAX" Meta-game, but we CAN''T...
  15. Pikachu

    Then you are crazy. My experience of MAX weapons is this:
    1% dual falcons
    1% raven + something else
    3% dual ravens
    55% falcon + AI
    40% dual AI
  16. xmajorcrabsx

    Actually maxs can almost run just as fast without the overdrive. They just have bad acceleration.

    I was at a friends house who invested into the top tier of the overdrive and it really isnt worth it IMO. You die a lot quicker which kind of defeats the purpose of the max. I got hit by 1 rocket by NC and my health went down almost by 70%. Plus when you are a max it is the gradual movement that is fairly important not the "Holy hell I can run fast. Look at me I can run into a crowd of baddies faster." In some ways it is a hinderance because it is very situational.
  17. Holomang

    Ok, so this is definitely your first online game.
  18. DonC

    Rofl, is that the sad excuse you invent to release the same mistake?

    Plenty of feedback at the test forums, go see what is wrong.

    Is this the first time you played planetside?
  19. Holomang

    Feedback on the test forums says ZOE is crap, feedback on the General forums is all crying about ZOE being ******** OP.

  20. NightFalls998

    90% of any biolab fight with the OP NC are hacksaw maxes