Enough with the ZOE already!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The Crimson Overlord, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. The Crimson Overlord

    MAX units have one main disadvantage. Mobility.

    Aegis Shield compensates for it by increasing effective health, which lets Scattergun MAXs close the distance without losing half their health in the process.

    Lockdown emphasizes it in exchange for increased firepower, which compliments the TR's trademark of increased fire rate and higher mag capacity.

    But ZOE, ZOE completely eliminates the MAX's downside. So you have twice as much hp as standard infantry, move faster and have more firepower. The "downside" is 20% additional damage taken, which is nothing, as you move too fast to be tracked by infantry and even if they could, the extra damage taken is negligible, especially if you roll with an Engineer. There's hardly any reason to play standard infantry over ZOE in its current state.

    If this is not fixed ASAP this game will fall apart, and in all honesty its being held together by chewed gum and prayer as it is.


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  2. Badgerific

    QQ MOAR ... And I thought this is gonna be a topic about that there's too many ZOE threads ...silly me ....
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  3. ih8Darian

    Enough with the ZOE threads already!
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    Did you miss the memo where its getting nerfed? Quit complaining.
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  5. Nyscha

    Congrats on posting a video from the PTS when ZOE was bugged and granting more movement speed.
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  6. Dramma Lamma

    Moves faster than a infantry eh?

    Somebody has obviously done their research and is totally not just QQ-ing here.
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  7. Nyscha

    Heres to you OP.

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  8. Jonesing25

    Nerf the hell out of it the harder the nerf the better. Honeslty I would like to see it rendered useless in most situations like the other max abilities.
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  9. Sebastien

    You obviously do care seeing as you decided to post, and leave a .gif
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  10. Jonesing25

    yeah it does sprint faster than a HA. Play the game, test it.
  11. IamDH

  12. Dis

    Until every last TR puts away his or her striker, and every NC stops using the Vanguard derpshield, there will be ZOE.

    In my pants.
  13. SgtBreastroker

    VS's faction trait is mobility.

    Just a fyi.
  14. Jonesing25

    lmao. Let my striker lock onto your ZOE(strafe dodge this). call it even
  15. Jonesing25

    but you don't suffer from lack of other traits ... fyi
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  16. Dramma Lamma

  17. Phyr

    Remove the ability to revive them, then we can at least spam the area with explosives and make some progress.
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  18. Gory Assassin

    Just decrease the speed a tiny bit because I do agree it is a bit too fast and add in some momentum so you cannot just stop on the spot.
  19. esperen

  20. Shockwave44

    Why are you comparing the VS MAX to infantry instead of... other MAXes?

    OMG the NC shield can block more bullets than the infantry shield NERF NOW!!!!!!!!!

    If you compare any MAX to infantry, guess who is going to look better?

    Try using your head next time.