Engy Archer Revamp

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by thed1rt, May 10, 2016.

  1. thed1rt

    Give everyone that bought Archer a refund. + 500 certs.

    Make new ARCHER a PISTOL that ANY CLASS can buy. Long rang pistol that is only loaded with Anti-Vehicle nanites for carrying efficiency. (explains why its almost impossible to kill infantry with a NS-pistol that is only loaded with Nanite-Bullets that are meant to hurt vehicles)

    I dont think it would be CRAZY overpower because chances are you will never find 15 people all with Archer-Pistols. But the time when infantry actually organized and had 15 players with Archer-Pistols it would be tons of LuLz.

    This paradigm already exists because if you get 15 players all with lockon anti air calling out same target it would be just as LULZ.

    It would solve the issue of engies not having a main weapon and open it up to ALL classes. 2 birds and 1 stone. (or maybe 5 birds)

  2. Liewec123

    some people must really hate maxes to suggest things like this.

    if you want to see 15 people getting together for sidearm AV lulz get the crossbow with explosive bolts!
  3. thed1rt

    Well you kinda missed the point. People would cry that NS pistol archer is OP but chances are you will NEVER have 15 people all using it at once.

    Same law that applies to Lockons. Usually you only get 2 or 3 dudes down low trying to lock onto you even though its possible to have 15+ people.

    Only issue i see is if Planetside Playstation 2 finds some genius way to stay ONE SERVER forever then each year more and more people would have Lockons and ARCHER-PISTOLS.
  4. LaughingDead

    How bout I just use C4 instead? Plus that would just kinda make maxes pointless, everyone running a gun that does 1/8th of a maxes hp bar would be absurd, and if it was any less you might as well just shoot the damn max with your primary.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    this is a terrible suggestion that would cause massive balance issues.
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  6. EPIC389

    We already have an Anti-Max sidearm

    Its called the explosive bolt crossbow
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  7. chuck105

    Exactly, think it takes 10 shots, which means it only takes 3 players working together to down a max in a single clip. The problem with the archer is that it's only really effective at killing maxes that are without an engineer, out in the open. Those maxes generally die pretty fast anyway. Defensively the AI turret is very good at stopping maxes cold, and at range the AV turret can be used. Still, just like the skyguard, while it might seem lackluster to the lone player, putting such a weapon in the secondary or even the turret slot would reduce the downside, to the point that many more engineers would carry it. Just like their are now a dozen ways to kill aircraft, there are plenty of ways to kill maxes, and they cost nanites. MAX/s could be rebalanced, but giving every engineer a free max killing weapon would make them useless, and not worth the cost.
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  8. thed1rt

    max's are already pretty easy to kill with just your main rifle.

    I was thinking new Archer would be just for vehicles.

    So like if a squad of 12 infiltrator snipers where all trying to hold a mountain they could switch to archer pistols and try taking out a tank.