Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pnut, Nov 19, 2022.

  1. pnut

    maybne 100 energy?
    Or 1000? soemething like that.

    so tjey can only repair up to 1000 hitpoints before they need to recharge back at base.
  2. VV4LL3

    But why? Their main purpose is to repair things... I suppose you want limited healing/ rez on medics, too, huh?
  3. pnut

  4. TR5L4Y3R

    medics and engineers are defenseless while reparing/healing with their respective tool
    engineers specifically have a cooldowntimer so they can´t always repair already
    if you have a problem to destroy a vehicle maybe kill the enginneers first or get a gunner/additional vehicle with you if you aren´t a c4 fairy ..
    you asking engineers to have hardlimited repair tresshold would significatly weaken sundereruse specifically during lowpop times ..
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  5. Ichtys

    while we're at it, let's limit HA shield to 3 uses per respawn, LA jets to 5sec use, and infil will get ONE use of cloak

    fun game, innit?
  6. Demigan

    Why is anyone taking this seriously? I mean with "100 to 1000 health before they need to go back" you can repair at maximum an AV round, or at the lower end one or two Basilisk rounds.
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  7. BengalTiger

    If anything, there should be a limited amount of deployable turrets.
    One per resupply.

    It should be possible to repair or pick them back up though to reposition, so long as they're not destroyed.