Engineers/Base AA Turrets

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WhatMeWorry, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. WhatMeWorry

    I've been reading the comments on this forum, and have noticed that after the last major patch (2 Feb '13), that there is a pretty high level of discontent with a lot of the changes made.

    First, to place my comments in their proper context:

    I am:

    a) An inexperienced on-line gamer (this is my first),
    b) I play on a 2 year old notebook (ASUS G73)

    For my first comment, I have to say that this game is pretty amazing to me, at first I loved it! I am truly amazed that anyone can dream up and develop something like this, it honestly awes me. The computer/developer skills displayed in the creation and workings of this game are something else to me (I can type, play some games, but other than that, a computer is basically a mysterious box to me that whizzes, whirs, and sometimes crashes)!

    My second comment relates to Engineers and anti-air fighting. Other than AA turrets on bases and outside warpgates, we have no AA weapons. When the game first started, I admit, the AA turrets were overpowered and the range for their effectiveness was way too long. Thankfully, for both the shooting engineers and opposing pilots, that was soon rectified and the dueling between AA turrets/engineers and opposing aircraft become much more competitive and fun for all concerned.

    However, lately the AA turrets have been weakened to the point of uselessness. Unless an opposing aircraft is approaching at a near zero deflection shot for the turret, and is ridiculously close, an AA turret can not compete with aircraft. The armor busting weaponry on aircraft (both cannnon and rockets) have been steadily improving in both accuracy and effectiveness, while the AA turrets have basically been depowered into targets for aircraft, unless a pilot forgets about the turrets while he is engaged in a fight with opposing aircraft or ground targets during a large battle. Against opposing infantry (when they do get in range of an AA turret), it is almost impossible to get effective hits on the infantry due to the AA turrets over-large cone of fire. I have a lot of kills versus aircraft using turrets, however not one against infantry.

    I believe that the AA turrets need to have a significant portion of their lost hitting power returned, or their effective range extended, and their cone of fire reduced.

    Another alternative may be to let engineers use AA missiles (which seem to have become overly effective, but that should be the subject of another post(s) by folks more knowledgeable than I), this may help return engineers to the anti-air battle. As it stands now, against opposing air, engineers must essentially choose between hiding or taking a chance (when there is an AA turret nearby) that he can get in a shot while the pilots are otherwise engaged.

    I may probably be flamed for this post, but I am making it in an honest effort to balance the anti-air game for engineers, to air my concerns about this subject in the hopes that the developers may do something to correct it, and to get the honest opinions and improvement ideas of other players of this game that have more experience and knowledge of these things than I do. If I get flamed because I'm an idiot but I learn something, good to go, learning is always good. But if my concerns are even somewhat valid and provoke some good ideas from people, even better. If some of our ideas look like they may help improve the game and get adopted by SOE, that would be great!

    I thank you for taking the time to read through my post, and hope to read some good ideas from you all, or at least leave better educated!