Engineer ammo pack question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ketatrypt, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. ketatrypt


    I play engineer a lot, and have unlocked the bouncing betty. Now when I got it I was dissapointed that I would have to replace the ammo drop slot.. So I didn't use the mines for a while..

    But a day or 2 later, I found out that you can use the turret builder thing to make ammo packs..

    Now for the questions..

    Is that ammo pack any different from the one that takes up the slot? And seems you can make ammo with the turret, what is the point of having the ammo pack that takes up a slot? it just seems like a waste!

  2. KraggTheGrim

    It users the same stats as the utility slot one. Originally it did not, but now they use the same cert stats. Also you can place several of them down. For each cert level you have unlocked you can place an additional ammo pack down by pressing B again (it may not look different, but it is another ammo pack).