Engineer Ability Slot/Certs, Ammo box belongs here.

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Viesel, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Viesel

    Anyone else think it doesn't make much sense for the certs for the deployable ammo to be our "Ability Slot", but not the actual box itself? It's the only thing keeping me from using Mines, as unequipping the ammo box makes me feel useless. I would much rather trade the ammo pack for the MANA turret (currently the only selectable item in the "Ability Slot")
  2. Maruun

    You can still use Ammo boxes when you have mines equipt.

    Just chose placing the turret and press B then you can place a ammo box and still keep the mines :)
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  3. Viesel

    Say whaaaa? That's the most counter-intuitive thing I've ever heard.
  4. Ghostfox

    Actually it works great.

    If you carry the ammo pack... you can deploy two ammo boxes.. One via the ammo box.. and one via the alt fire mode for the mana turret.

    *edits to add*

    It also works great if you want to use the other tools, as noted. You can still provide ammo.
  5. Ashur

    Then you'll love this, the ammo box you drop from the turret doesn't take upgrades you put on the ordinary ammo box.
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  6. Grimalkin

    butt its a bug i think, main problem stays the same why do explosives take the slot of the ammo box? i mean you can just place 1-2 mines putting them in the explosive/grenade slot would be more reasonable
  7. Noollab

    Wait, so let me get this straight. We have TWO ammo boxes, one in the Utility Slot, and one as an alt-fire for the Turret?
    So me picking up a Medkit for the Utility Slot wasn't a complete waste?
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  8. Ghostfox


    *edits to add*

    Also, for now I've been using two ammo boxes at large infantry battles, such as in biolabs, to farm experience. Makes for a nice steady stream of experience.
  9. UberBonisseur

    May I add that the Turret-Ammo lasts LONGER THAN THE DEFAULT AMMO PACK

    No, seriously, at least 3 times the duration.
  10. Arcfade

    The 'Turretbox' doesn't take my certs?! :O
  11. Ghostfox

    It also doesn't see the benefits of certing into ammo boxes.
  12. nibew

    how you put ammo box when in turret mode? :D
  13. Lanka

    Default key is B. Changes it to secondary "fire" mode that lets you drop an ammo box.

    Personally I wish I could change the mana turret to ammo box from the loadout. I never use the darn thing and having to press B everytime you wish to drop another box (or only box if you've got something else in Utility) is just annoying.
  14. Goodkat

    I just did some testing. The ACE ammo pack indeed lasts about 3 times as long as an un-upgraded utility (slot 4) ammo pack. On top of this, it also supplies a slightly larger radius (1 meter I'd say).
  15. Mafarett

    that's weird if it's true, so basically the turret ammo box acts a rank 3 ammo box. Which basically means there's no real reason to put certs into it unless you really want it to last even longer.
  16. Adhoc

    Am I the only one who absolutely hates the Mana turret? I don't use it except for placing it in rooms to catch peoples attention when they come in so I can shoot them in the back. The things just too damn easy to head shot you off of. Whenever I'm playing any class, I just look for the turret, and put a burst towards the top for a free kill. I would love to get rid of the damn thing and just have my ammo box there, so I don't accidentally fumble over it in a firefight.
  17. BrB Stove Exploded

    Yea most people dont know that if you hit B when you have mana turret out it turns into a ammo box.


    Number 4 utility slot ammo box lasts by default 1 minute.

    Number 5 turret ammo, lasts by default 4 minutes.

    You CAN deploy both at the same damn time.

    Most people dont realize you can free up the utility slot with anti tank mines and still give ammo to people with the turret alternate fire ammo box.
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  18. kelsaba

    Nice! Thanks for the heads up guys. Love the info sharing. Engies helpin' engies.
  19. Shotgunjoe

    They really need to just add the ammo box utility to the slot with the Turret, so people can choose either and the certs will apply to the ammo box if used.
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  20. tonster

    This is the first time I've heard of using the alt fire for the turret. I'm actually quite excited, because I always want mines when I don't have them. I've rolled up on many a lightning/sunderer/heavy tank and had no mines only to be killed by said vehicle.