its possible if i use claymore as utility and if then i choose the turret -> press b -> i have my ammo supply pack and can deploy it i think the engi should ever place ammo packs but this looks like a bug maybe change grenate with c4/mines/clymore etc its both explosive
yea its been like this forever... not sure if its intended or a bug. At any rate Im sure it must have been bugreported by now considering that it is so widely known. -Stigma
I think the original intent was to have the ACE transform into what you needed it to be at the time. Ammo, or turret, or whatever else they think of later. Just like the original ACE
That makes sense. Not sure if ammo would really require an ACE in any event, but you are probably right that it is from that kind of system design. I hope they get back to engineers and do a pass on their deplayables and stuff. Perhaps anti-tank mines can help fix the tank-zerg problem if we could actually place out a few hundred of them (between dozens of players of course) if we knew one was coming... placing 2 at a time when you need at least that many to even kill a tank is just so poorly thought-out... -Stigma