Enemies in jump seats

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NikkoJT, May 4, 2013.

  1. NikkoJT

    Sometimes, when I'm out cruisin' on my Flash, just checking out the scenery and looking for easter eggs and such, I come across an enemy soldier out on their lonesome. Sometimes, when I've lost or not bothered with my Flash, an enemy Flash rider (presumably doing much the same thing) comes across me. I'd like to be able to give these fellow art-department-appreciators a lift, or be given one by them, but unfortunately the game does not let me carry a photographer in need on my jump seat.

    My suggestion, then, is that jump seats (that is, Flash and Harasser exterior seats) be able to take soldiers from any faction. This would allow people out to just chill to give shot-down pilots a ride back to the fight, and other chivalrous deeds.

    If you must have a serious side, this would present an opportunity for Infiltrators (hey, what if they don't show in the seat list when cloaked?) and other covert operators to take advantage of inattentive drivers and get right into an enemy base.
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  2. Oreo202

    Yes, even if just for hilarity.
  3. Barosar

    "Pardon me sir, might I have a lift to the place it is where we will then try to blow each others' brains out?"
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  4. Cab00se187

    I'm sure US soldiers would kill to be able to taxi the enemy around with them :rolleyes:
  5. AltF4Fun

    You better take that enemy to a cliff and jump out right before it goes flying.Halo style
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  6. HerbertKnivez

  7. NikkoJT

    If I was a US soldier and a guy got close enough to jump on without killing me, I would give him a lift home out of sheer respect for his balls.
  8. EvaJones

    Only if it's an optional setting in your vehicle management.
  9. PieBringer

    Absolutely not! This idea is bad and you should fe-

    This guy deserves medals!
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  10. FnkyTwn

    Cops do this all the time! Next time you're out drunk, just hop into the nearest
    police car. Out of sheer respect for your public drunkenness and brazenness
    they'll usually give you a ride home. They might even buy you another drink!
  11. WalrusJones

    To be honest, I would use this to place C4 on the vehicle I was on....

    But, Honestly, I have already proven myself enough of a C4 psycho.
  12. DramaticExit

    Or driving them off a cliff and jumping out at the last moment. That's chivalrous, right?
  13. NikkoJT

    Absolutely! They get the vehicle all to themselves in their final moments.

    And to that one other guy, you could make it a setting I guess. But I do like the idea of Infiltrators being able to sneak up and hop on undetected, so I'd put in some way for them (in particular) to get around it - perhaps a cloaked Infiltrator can enter a locked jump seat when the vehicle is otherwise empty? Or maybe they could cert into it as an alternative to their faster hacking skill?
  14. Liquid23

    really? ... I'd shoot him then take pics of me rubbing my nutsack on his face for my Facebook page
  15. TomoB

    (tries to roadkill enemy with flash" Oh noes I missed and now he's sitting in the back! Get off me! Get off!"
  16. NikkoJT

    It's a legitimate strategy.

    I think I should point out (though I am surprised at having to clarify this) that the US soldier comment was not in any way serious. In reality, I would probably run away screaming if someone got that close. You can all count yourselves lucky I will never actually be a US soldier.