Empire specific AA MAXs please!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fleabag, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Fleabag

    I loath, with a passion, seeing the Vanu Sov' use bursters. They are forever ingrained in me as being a Terran weapon. We, being the enlightened folks that we are, light up the sky not with flak, but disco balls. :D

    Now in order to save the dev's some hassle we don't have to have the old Ps1 weapons back, sans actual differences because that would only create more workload and potentially more balance headaches, plus lot of aversion to lock on weapons around here.

    Instead, we could just have them back as aesthetically different versions of our current AA Max. So the VS one could have crab hands and shoot plasma balls and have plasma explosions and the NC one mini rocklets or something.

    Same stats, different empire look. Both in what is bolted onto the MAX and what comes out of the shooty end. Bingo, job done.

    Please dev's, make a grumpy old Ps1 Vet just a little more happy this X-mas. ;)
  2. Shinrah

    Sounds fine to me, I wouldnt even mind the old specific AA types but seeing these forums I´d put a bullet through my head first, as a dev before attempting to balance that out.

    Aesthetic change sounds fine, but probably very low on any current priority list:>
  3. f0d

    even though i know we are talking about having them all the same id really REALLY like the starfire back EXACTLY the same as it was in ps1 :D
    that thing was awesome
  4. Shinrah

    Yeah awesome enough to finally get the lazy VS MAX´s to actually equip AA, but I fear the forums would drown in a tearstorm when shiny plasma bolts start chasing mossies and reavers all over the map:>
  5. DrStrangeLug

    I would say leave MAXes alone or they'd frak it up like they did in the first game.
  6. Fleabag

    Probably, but if you don't ask, don't get. :)
  7. Fleabag

    So, from the patch notes, is this a tinfoil hat thing or er....

    ...a hint? Why preface Burster with TR? :eek:

    Zomgzomgzomgzomgzomg is my Starfire coming back? :)
  8. Turiel =RL=

    To all those who don't know it:
    In PS1 the Burster was the TR AA MAX. It was semi-weak, because TR also had the Striker which is the equivalent to the PS2 Hawk.
    NC had the Sparrow MAX which was a lock-on missile system.
    VS had the Starfire which was some sort of super-fast lock-on laser beam.

    Wouldn't be bad to get them all back!
  9. Piepants

    Semi-weak? The TR AA MAX was AWESOME! TR MAXes could 'anchor' much like the Prowler currently can to get an increased fire rate. You could anchor that puppy on the top of a tower and some unsuspecting aircraft would get close and you could unleash hell on them. AA abilities seemed much more powerful and Reavers and Mossies would disintegrate right before your eyes. I got way more kills with that than I ever did with the Sparrow or Starfire (due to aircraft burning away at the first sign of a lock on).

    Man there are some things I sure miss about PS1.
  10. Fleabag

    The Burster, when used correctly in Ps1 was arguably the best as it had total surprise, no lock on. That said, the early model Starfire, when you could basically unload the magazine into the air, near some airchav and then lock it sending everything thumping into it from tens of meters away rather than hundreds was er....

    ....fun but a bit broke. ;)

    There is a lot of hostility to lock on in general in 2, compared to 1, so I have no idea if we'd ever see them back in their old format.

    But asthetically, still want. :)
  11. ForceM

    I am completely for distinct weapon systems in all slots too we need differentiation!
  12. StoneRhino

    Nothing makes me hate the vs more then the old skillfires that SOE never did a thing to balance out against the other AA maxes. I was glad to see that everyone had the same generic burster instead of the sparrow that never worked right and when it did, it did next to nothing to the point of aircav wanting nothing more then to fly right up to one and spam it. Nor the nonsense that was the pogo max that easily killed several aircraft within a small window of time with absolute ease.

    Sure, if you want to light up the sky with little glowing balls to tell us where you are firing from, by all means SOE, let them have it, just as long as its the same as a buster , but with a slightly different graphic. Maybe we can get an ounce of flesh for all of that nonsense in ps1 we had to endure.
  13. korpisoturi

    THIS. but only if stats are 100% same, change skins/ammunition/effects/sounds, but keep stats EXACTLY the same, or never ending nerf this buff that will start ,it would be so nice to avoid that in case of even ONE class/weapon system, BUT still get "diffrent kind of weapons" to each empire.
  14. Tipsy McStagger


    I support this. When Vanu move to clear the skies, they shall replace Mosquitoes and blue/yellow annoyance with FIREWORKS!
