[Suggestion] EMP grenade.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Makora, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Plague Rat

    Add 'drains infiltrator cloaks' and you've got the gist of it.
    It'll also blow up AT mines. I took at a tank once that way.
  2. MrK

    I tested it a bit more yesterday.
    At least for the guy launching the grenade :
    * You still have the HUD statics effect if you are in the inner radius of the grenade, as well as shield energy fully drained and needing a full recharge time
    * You don't have any HUD effect if you are outside of the inner radius, but get effected very little : the shield energy is drained, but refills right away in a matter of 3 seconds, I'd say.

    I've not been able to determine the inner radius size due to unreliable grenade physics. Tested in and out of VR.