Emerald: Infiltrator Infestation! <3 Sign Plz

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CuteBeaver, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Mustarde

    There is a disturbing theme in this thread...
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  2. PlotTwyst

    #1) Name, Faction, // Outfit or Solo
    PlotTwyst of the (soon to be formerly) Mattherson VS and GOTR
    I have TR and NC alts of Supraluminal and Nekiruhs, respectively.

    #2) Your 3 favorite weapons.
    1) Railjack
    2) Railjack
    3) Railjack

    1) Vandal
    2) Parallax
    3) Phaseshift (As bad as it is, it's a ton of fun playing around it's quirks)

    #3) Your absolute favorite vehicle and why.
    Stock nosegun/AB ESF. I love my Scythe and praise Vanu daily but I'd trade it in a heartbeat for a Reaver. I can't stand the NC faction/flavor, but goddamn am I jealous of their toys.

    #4) Describe your personal style as an infiltrator, and what makes you happy.
    I like to play by flanking or finding positional advantages at mid-long range. Close enough that I'm able to effectively support my squad with darts target elimination, but far enough away that only battle rifles and other snipers can effectively kill me before I rotate into a new position.

    #5) A video if you have one to share is always nice.
    I'm not MLG enough to have videos of my own, but I too am always a fan of Mustarde's content. Especially when he plays CondimentActual rather than his main, so I don't have to die quite as much in the process.
  3. Rudmed

    The price of being famous and good, everyone wants to kill you, but don't worry I'm sure most of your cohorts will keep us off of you. Just remember, if we throw enough people at you, they can't get us all! DOGPILE!
  4. KoS-1

    Sniping with a halberd is a hell of alot of fun! ;)

    Like I told ya the other week, when some of you Matts invaded Waterson for a night. The halberd is nothing more than a oversize, mounted sniper rifle.

    And with a harasser, can get into some interesting spots to rain down the pain.
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  5. ZeroErrorz

    #1) Name, Faction, // Outfit or Solo
    ZeroErrorz,NC,matherson,phoenix company
    #2) Your 3 favorite weapons.
    #3) Your absolute favorite vehicle and why.
    I LUV MY REAVER 4 LYFE,i just like air in general and the sensation of pwning the air is nothing like anything in game,im just kinda rusty on my flying skill after my break
    #4) Describe your personal style as an infiltrator, and what makes you happy.
    i prefer getting some range from my enemy,even in cqc i always try stay behind cover to be able back off when things go bad,i mostly snipe but when neccersary i will close in with Shadow scout rifle,auraxiumed my blitz and bored of smg infil.
    i sometime go where everyone never guess and have fun with it
    killing make me happy,especialy NO SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE (been training it extensively now...),and Pwning air
  6. KoS-1

    #1) Name, Faction, // Outfit or Solo
    waterson - Crackabat(ECUS) mattherson - Kazzuki(former VG) year inactive

    When I do get the itch, usually play solo or team up with some of the SRCT inflitrators.
    #2) Your 3 favorite weapons.
    Rams, Halberd/Enforcer, Crossbow
    #3) Your absolute favorite vehicle and why.
    Harasser....if you have seen me flying by, flipping, crashing and burning. Then you know why. :)
    #4) Describe your personal style as an infiltrator, and what makes you happy.
    Like the stalker with crossbow, mostly a sit and peck. Still love sniping. Just can't get into the SMG running around.

    What makes me happy is counter sniping with a halberd. Taking out a pesky person, whether infiltrator or not.
    #5) A video if you have one to share is always nice.

    @:35 counter snipe

    @2:22 gunner gets sniped when getting out of vehicle
  7. Canno


    1) Name: Canno // Raven Company (for now)
    2) Three favourite weapons: 1) mind 2) whatever's in my hands 3) the turret I just hacked
    3) Favourite vehicle: Whatever I need at the time to get the job done. I can't fly for beans but I can gun.
    4) Play style:
    5) Video: www. youpo... wooooah you mean from PS2? I don't have any of those...
  8. geekrider

    #1) Name, Faction, // Outfit or Solo
    sissybutt, NC, solo
    #2) Your 3 favorite weapons.
    #3) Your absolute favorite vehicle and why.
    Flash with cloak. Why? BECAUSE ROADKILL!!
    #4) Describe your personal style as an infiltrator, and what makes you happy.
    Room breaching, EMP+Blitz. Drop 3 and get the hell out
    #5) A video if you have one to share is always nice.
    My PC is a potato. I can't record gameplay :(

    Sir! Sir! Do you have any more awesome infiltrating ideas like these?
  9. Niamar

    #1) Name, Faction, // Outfit or Solo
    Lane, VS, Solo

    #2) Your 3 favorite weapons.
    Knife, silenced pistol, stalker cloak

    #3) Your absolute favorite vehicle and why.
    Flash or scythe, instant action, redeploy, because I mainly use vehicles for transportation.

    #4) Describe your personal style as an infiltrator, and what makes you happy.
    Shooting players in the head, or up close from behind with an smg or pistol/knife. Switching to light assault and helping to take out enemy spawn points. Killing those that use cheats.

    #5) A video if you have one to share is always nice.
    No video's from me.

    I'm a terrible player, while I could do a montage of killing hundreds of players with any weapon it would not show how bad of a player I am.

    Positioning, patience, timing, skill are not qualities that I have. I am a blind rusher and objective based player, that fails over and over again.

    My k/d for a night runs from .5 to 2 depending on many things. After a patch for example my k/d sometimes doubles for a short time.
  10. RenegadeHelios

    #1) Name, Faction, // Outfit or Solo
    RenegadeHelios, NC, PotP, Part of the Problem. :]
    #2) Your 3 favorite weapons.
    SAS-R, EM4 Longshot, and Cyclone.
    #3) Your absolute favorite vehicle and why.
    Harasser, for roadkill shenanigans as well as messing with people in Amp Stations who don't expect a Harasser to be on the walkways. Also is highly entertaining to slap a Halberd on there and practice sniping in vehicles as well. Let's not forget drive-by's on highly active sundies.
    #4) Describe your personal style as an infiltrator, and what makes you happy.
    CQC sniping, always silenced, occasionally running SMG in heavier CQC combat. Inept medics who keep reviving each other while not moving makes me far too happy. It's entertaining as all get-out.
    #5) A video if you have one to share is always nice.
    I just picked up a new rig two or three days ago, while my prior rig was barely fast enough to run PS2 on high. Lagged too much to do anything while trying to record, so I dun got nuthin'. :c
  11. Plunutsud pls

    You forgot to introduce yourself, but it's ok because you have the sexiest voice ever.

    p.s. Hi, I'm a soon-to-be BR1 on Emerald; my fav Infil weapon is the Phaseshift; I play solo to avoid taking orders from anyone in a video game; I'm a busy man so I don't play much; I love to deploy an AMS Sundie with a Walker to shoot down aircraft; Wraith Flash is also great fun with a Fury.

    Looking forward to seeing and taking part in some epic battles on your server.
  12. CuteBeaver

    Okay here goes:

    Hello I am CuteBeaver, I play VS primarily, with [3GIS] Aegis Initiative which focuses on point lockdowns. Sometimes I play Solo, but most of the time I am running with a persistent squad. If i get the rare chance to solo I am usually working on something like ambushing / shenanigans, or parkour.

    I have 2 Alts on EMERALD. DireBeaver (TR) and CuteReaver (NC) but don't get the chance to play them often.

    Top Three Favorite Weapons:
    #1) Force Blade:
    #2) Crossbow:
    #3) NS-7 PDW

    My favorite vehicle is Disco Tank. Which is an AP lightning with PINK <3 lumifiber and bright squiggly camo. He comes with auto repair and smoke for easy escapes and provides a nice distraction for baiting enemies. Sometimes I pull Disco Tank to flank enemy sundies via hacked terminals. Disco tank also gives me something to do when the rest of [3GIS] outfit is pulling armor and keeps me entertained for the most part.

    #4) Describe your personal style as an infiltrator, and what makes you happy.

    Normally play platformers instead of shooters. I enjoy finding new pathways, jumping crazy gaps, and sneaking aboot. Stalker cloak is awesome for parkour and ambushing, which brings me the most joy. When I am In squad play I am generally expected to prevent backrage by ambushing enemy flanks via bolt knife. I enjoy taking out brightly colored enemy beacons. Nom Nom Nom Beacons :D. My term for motion spotter is "shake-weight"

    #5) A video if you have one to share is always nice.

    my last video of Waterson stuff...

  13. K2k4

    #1) Name, Faction, // Outfit or Solo
    Kaltwar. Terran it up, TRAF.
    #2) Your 3 favorite weapons.
    Rams 0.50, hunter crossbow, commissioner.
    Harasser because it handles magnificently and roadkills. I prefer driving it to gunning.
    #3) Your absolute favorite vehicle and why.
    My phone has issues. See above question
    #4) Describe your personal style as an infiltrator, and what makes you happy.
    Rushing. I like to get to my targets and kill them from up close. Because it is exciting

    #5) A video if you have one to share is always nice.
    Ummm see my Sig sry not on computer to link proper.
  14. Jeffrey94

    #1) Hello, name's Jeffrey94. VS, solo. New to these forums so bear with me!
    #2) Some of my fave inf guns so far have been:
    -Probably either Vandal or NS-7 (don't own either, but I kinda want one of em)
    #3) If only I could fly a scythe worth a damn. Such sexy, plus Iiiiiiii just wanna fly :p
    #4) Depends on the loadout and the situation. But often results in me failing miserably...
    #5) No vids, I'm not that good anyway.

    It would be an honor to be headshotted by you, Mustarde :)
  15. Get2dachoppa

    Silly Canadian. I c wut you did there, eh.
  16. TheBlindFreak

    I'm TheBlindFreak. I play NC. I'm in VCO, I do squad play, but mostly solo shenanigans.

    I love the Mag-cutter, Vandal/Stalker, and L80 Rebel.

    The Reaver is my vehicle of choice.

    Favorite playstyle is aggressive and risky flanking. I like taking place off to the side of a fight, dropping a motion sensor and some mines, picking off guys behind cover, and waiting for people to catch on. Then it becomes an amusing game of hunt the infiltrator. Otherwise, I'm in the thick of it with a semi auto scout rifle or smg taking out medics and weakening enemy footholds for my faction to advance upon.

    I don't really snipe much anymore since I auraxi'd the Longshot. But I do hunt down careless infiltrators that set up in sniping positions.
  17. HlllBllly

    as to remain anonymous, i will not disclose my toons on emerald.

    however, i LOVE the stalker and i am a HUGE fan of the NS-44 Commissioner. you don't need a silencer if all your enemies are dead.

    1. NS-44G Commissioner
    2. NS-44P Commissioner
    3. NS-44B Commissioner

    favorite vehicle: full stealth sundy. try to find me, BRO!

    my thrills include point capture and base defense with a 4x scoped BASR (TSAR-42 for TR, the Ghost VS12 for VS and the SAS-R for the NC.) and THE commissioner.

    SMGs are for wimps. ;)
  18. Vaphell

    so i made a toon on Emerald. Holy balls, being BR1 sucks major ***. So you want usable darts? Maybe a scope for your rifle? A medkit? Please fight an uphill battle against all these decked out people for days if not weeks. True beginner's experience must be atrocious that much after the release.
    BTW i hate commie even more than before, it's like everybody had them.

    On the bright side i got my very first ban threat on 3rd kill. Someone wasn't happy a BR1 bolt-drivered him.
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  19. Baccano

    Name: SideWinder

    Faction: NC

    Outfit: Black Arrows (Mostly play in outfit but I do run solo and sometimes I join public squads of other outfits to get a feel for how they operate.

    Weapons List:
    Longshot, Mag-Cutter, QCX or Desperado depending on what I want to do with the stalker cloak

    Favorite Vehicle:
    Love flying my Gal but my Hot Drop Reaver is a close second (It gets me where I need to go ;)).

    Aggressive Infiltration matching range changes as the battle flows.

    No Videos I play on a laptop so I'm lucky to get 40FPS much less record :(

    I sent a friend request because I love to know when other good infils are on as we are our best opponents and teachers. Especially Mustarde he's always a good fight.

    Look forward to seeing you and everyone else on the Emerald Fields.

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  20. Warsonic

    #1) Warsonic, NNG, TR
    #2) Rams 50, Armistice and my Knife :)
    #3) Prowler when it's not nerfed to crap :'(
    #4) Super aggressive for no reason. But also like the piece and quite of sniping from long distances!
    #5) Meh just look for me in Mustarde's videos. We are always in squad together! He sucks though :p
    Play on a laptop most of the time so video's are out of the option. QQ
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