Email-Verification Bug?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by NINJAR636, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. NINJAR636

    Today one of my friends recommended me this game so I downloaded it made an account then logged in but I had to verify my email, so when I checked my email clicked verify and put in my details its says verification failure. I dont really know if this is a bug or just an issue I could resolve easily. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. NINJAR636

    Never mind I have gotten it fixed
  3. CarlAdam

    I've been seeing this alot lately..

    It's game breaking in my opinion, if a new player wants to try the game or an old veteran wants to come back and they can't even start the game they won't even bother with it.

    They should get this fixed ASAP.

    Sometimes my launcher bugs out and I have to restart the game a few times before I can actually hit ''play''

    A game that won't let you start it is never going to last, GET IT FIXED!