EM6 Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PanzerShrimp, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. PanzerShrimp

    Why is this weapon not cried about? one of the best weapons in the game, people to busy looking at the stats of the "god" saw and seeing 200dmg OMFGOPNERFNOW.

    In conclusion, Gaus Saw is crap and anyone who calls it OP makes me lol.
  2. sodopro

    It's not crap.

    It's a great med-long weapon.
  3. Necron

    Only people who say the SAW is crap are people who have never been shot by it...

    EM6 is a beast too.

    As is the GD-22S.

    Lets face it the large caliber NC LMGs are all beastly.
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  4. WaaWaa

    Saw is too situational compared to the stock TR/VS LMG's. Thus, requires you to be at range and never rush a point that requires you to ADS when someone is right in front of you. Not so with the TR/VS LMG's.
  5. Necron

    Hipfire is for losers anyway. I once killed two TR point blank with the SAW hipfire. Sure it don't have the COF or say the Orion or the MSW-R, but it hits like a bus driven by Sandra Bullock. Frankly I would take the SAW into battle before either of the other weapons I mentioned any day.
  6. Bape

    EM6>Saw I don't need to discuss why it doesn't take an idiot to know why the EM6 is superior to the saw.
  7. Sen7rygun

  8. Nocturnal7x

    Saw is a great gun. EM6 is ok, I have 3800 kills with it. Personally I don't like it as much as the anchor. Anchor is the best all around NC LMG IMO. Best at CQC but still viable at range, especially once you get used to the recoil, I have about 3800 kills with the anchor as well.
  9. Hibiki54

    All the NC 167 and 200 LMGs are beast. The VS still has the better LMGs in Orion and SV-88, but the NC has the better all around LMGs.
  10. WaaWaa

    Not with the recoil when dueling orions/sva88's at medium distances. Having to stop because your gun goes all over the place so you can bring it back down effectively reduces the chances of winning in that type of situation, which is where most ranged combat happens indoors.
  11. gigastar

    Heres a fun factoid;

    The Polaris with soft point ammo has a faster TTK than the Orion (and by extension, the SVA) outside of 15m, along with much more manageable recoil and 33% more bullets to spare.
  12. Necron

    I use the Polaris when I play my VS alt. Never touch the Orion.
  13. Revanmug

    I've been shot by it. It's still a really subpar LMG in most situation. Probably the best weapon to fight against in medium to cqc (most combat scenario) because of how bad it is. If the guy stay immobile, he'll die instantly. If the guy strafe, the gun become a piece of trash.

    Anchor and EM6 are just way better. TR MSR and more importantly, the VS Orion/sva-88 are way more scary.
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  14. Mhak

    Sniping with the Jackhammer is how real men engage medium-long range targets.