EM1, Dont get it

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by KastianJJ, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. KastianJJ

    EM1 has
    Max Damage: 143 at 10m
    Min Damage: 125 at 65m
    Short/Long Reload times: 3.585s/4.6s
    Mag Size: 100
    Ammo Pool: 300
    Recoil: 0.35 ↑ , ← = → *
    First shot Recoil Multi: 2.6x
    ADS Move Speed Multi 0.50
    COF Stand ADS Still/Move/Jump: 0.1/0.4/3
    COF Crouch ADS Still/Move: 0.1/0.15 *
    COF Stand Hip Still/Move/Sprint/Jump: 3/4/7/7
    COF Crouch Hip Still/Move:2.5/3
    COF Bloom per Shot:ADS: 0.05, HIP: 0.1
    Rate of Fire:645 rpm
    Bullet Velocity:590

    T9 Carv has
    Max Damage: 143 at 10m
    Min Damage: 125 at 65m
    Short/Long Reload times: 5.4s/6.2s
    Mag Size: 100
    Ammo Pool: 300
    Recoil: 0.4 ↑ , ← = →
    First shot Recoil Multi: 2x
    ADS Move Speed Multi 0.50
    COF Stand ADS Still/Move/Jump: 0.1/0.4/3
    COF Crouch ADS Still/Move: 0.1/0.2
    COF Stand Hip Still/Move/Sprint/Jump: 3/4/7/7
    COF Crouch Hip Still/Move:2.5/3
    COF Bloom per Shot:ADS: ADS: 0.05, HIP: 0.1
    Rate of Fire:750 RPM
    Bullet Velocity:600

    Max Damage: 143 at 10m
    Min Damage: 112 @ 115m
    Short/Long Reload times: 2.8s/4.6s
    Mag Size: 50
    Ammo Pool: 200
    Recoil: 0.4 ↑ , ← = →
    First shot Recoil Multi: 2.15x
    ADS Move Speed Multi 0.75x
    COF Stand ADS Still/Move/Jump: 0.1/0.35/3
    COF Crouch ADS Still/Move: 0.1/0.15
    COF Stand Hip Still/Move/Sprint/Jump: 2.5/3/7/7
    COF Crouch Hip Still/Move: 2/2.5
    COF Bloom per Shot:ADS: ADS: 0.05, HIP: 0.1
    Rate of Fire:750 RPM
    Bullet Velocity:615

    So we loose
    RPM on both (both these guns dish out more damage period)
    First shot Recoil on both (what matters in CQC)
    Mobility vs Orion (Helps in CQC)
    Bullet Velocity on both (Helps at Medium range)
    COF ADS/Hip aiming vs VS (helps at CQC and Medium)

    to get
    Bigger clip vs Vanu (useful in big firefights)
    Crouch ADS vs TR (Rather have ROF 750)
    Tincy bit less recoil then both *Rather have ROF 750)

    For what we get it doesn't out weight what we loose, just make it a 750 RPM gun so every faction has a closely similar gun and no one can ***** on the T9 Carv or Orion are too OP, (remember this isn't our starting rifle we have to purchase a crappier gun then the standard LMG's on your side o.o

    This is my only honest problem with the NC, we don't have a comparable CQC fighting LMG like the other factions

    Alot of guns need a rework as all the VS LMG' doesn't stack that well against the Orion for getting 100 bullets it dishes out less damage

    And the MSW on the TR is pretty much get a 50 bullet clips get stats that makes it beat the EM1, and a Orion on Accuracy
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  2. Hyllan

    EM1 is probably supposed to be equivalent to the VX29 Polaris and the T16 with those stats, not the other faction's starter LMGs.
  3. KastianJJ

    Yeah but it doesn't hold up as well as them and it's our only CQC fight gun we have as a NC Heavy assault
  4. Big Cyz

    GD-22S would like a word with you.
  5. Shahnaz

  6. soeguud

    have you considered he might not have wallet depth nor time to consider unlocking that weapon?
  7. KnightCole

    That is a crazy gun.....I get waxed by it in seconds.
  8. Cyridius

    The best all rounder solid weapon the NC have right now is the medic's Gauss Rifle.
    I don't use it though, even when I medic. I just use the GR22 just simply because is has recoil of 0.22 as opposed to GR's 0.3 and an RPM of 800 as opposed to GR's 600. And it also sounds ******* awesome.
  9. deaded

    EM1 with Laser Sight 2 is quite nasty. In addition to the pure damage its also #1. hipfire = on the move, making your target miss more and #2. high ROF with the added constant "flinch" on your enemy.

    I play HA on all factions and I still like the stock T9 and Orion better (even without upgrades), but wth NC gotta take what it gets.

    Anyway for CQC EM1 with upgrades is the best option we got atm.

    Disclaimer : IMO!
  10. VKhaun

    You guys need to start comparing apples to apples. The EM1 is the hipfire LMG with access to the advanced laser sight and softpoint to round out the stats you're posting for the naked gun. Not all LMG's get either of these, and only one per faction gets all three. If you choose to slap anti-recoil stuff and a scope on it and try to make it into something else that's your prerogative, but you shouldn't expect it to be optimal outside what it's optimal use. That's just nonsense.

    I use the EM1 with those attachments currently and it's brilliant in close quarters like generator fights in amp stations or defending a side point from those few random people arriving on flash's or in lightnings.

    Try comparing the stats of the EM1 to the other two faction's LMG's with advanced laser and softpoint. See if it looks better?
  11. deaded

    And ye, ofc softpoint. These 2 on EM1 makes it a strong CQC wpn, indeed.

    Just a shame we have to spend irl cash + tons of certs where other factions kind of get this + better all around wpn :)
  12. VKhaun

    Nonsense. You are choosing to compare the CQC weapon with a non CQC weapon outisde of CQC.
    You could say the exact same thing about every faction.

    The VX6-7 is the worst gun in the game compared to the other bolt action snipers at sniper rifle distances.

    Unless you're just whining about NC guns in general in this guy's thread about the EM1.
  13. KastianJJ

    Ah never noticed the dual laser upgrade on the EM1, does make it better at a certain point of CQC
    wouldn't mind a high ROF LMG for the NC that is a 750 RPM, as i prefer ADS where T9 carv and orion beat alot of ours in CQC ADS, but i can see why this is good as you don't get the 0.5 penalty to move speed or (0.75 vs Vanu)
    they should make some common pool guns for each class right now, because the balancing factor in Planet side 1 was how many common pool guns there was vs Faction guns

    i mean PS1 they only really had to Balance
    Faction guns:3 HA Weapons,3 Assault Rifle,3 Pistols,3 Rocket Launcher
    Common Pool: Suppressor, AMP , Punisher , Sweeper, Decimator, Spiker, Revolver, Bolt Driver, Heavy Scout Rifle, Radiator, Rocklet Rifle, Thumper, Dragon,Scorpion, Maelstrom

    Alot of the CP guns saw play too like
    AMP, Punisher, Sweeper, Decimator, Scorpion, Revolver

    I mean they would fit in quite perfectly
    Suppressor - Light Assault or Infiltrator Gun
    Amp - Side Arm
    Revolver - Another Sidearm
    Rocklet - Light Assault
    Thumper - Feeling it might be too silly unless it was only fuse grenades and not contact then it could be a HA/LA Gun
    Scorpion - Heavy Assault

    I dont know as nice as EM1 Dual laser sight is i find no matter how much jiggling around you do at CQC it's nearly impossible to miss with ADS so a LMG with a good CoF wouldn't be that bad

    I dont know i currently dont see whats so good about the GD seems better for picking people off long range, as i prefer my EM6 upclose due to it's faster ROF
  14. deaded

    Both T9 and Orion are really great CQC wpns. With T9 you have to ADS but headshots are almost guaranteed. Yes, you lose the mobility of hipfire but still it drops ppl in a second. AND, its a really really (really) great all around weapon.

    Orion not so much an all around weapon, but no upgrades + hipfire can easily compare perfomance CQC to EM1 with all upgrades.

    Least in my experience.

    (And no its not a whine per se, but sry for bringing other faction HA into thread)
  15. deaded

    Makes a world of difference :) Gl with it.
  16. Zaik

    Yeah the EM1 is our attempt at a "hip fire LMG", I guess.

    Nevermind that it's going to do that job worse than any other weapon class in the game(other than sniper rifles). It's similar to the GR-22 compared to the Cycler(similar but more cqc oriented), except the GR-22 is actually a good weapon and the EM1 is not because it gets the "LMG" curse and still has a ridiculous hip fire COF because I guess that magazine is really really heavy or something.

    If you want to compare to the Orion, you should use the GD-22S. That one is great for a laugh.
  17. Jourmand1r

    Yeah it makes no sense that a huge LMG is heavier than a Carbine. Its not like thats EXACTLY what it is.
  18. Zaik

    Which would be completely irrelevant in regards to accuracy while hip firing.
  19. Jourmand1r

    IRL heavy LMGs usually have a good bit of kick.

    Only in Planetside 2 are LMGs just Carbines with more ammo.
  20. Zaik

    I'm aware. Recoil is modeled separately from cones of fire in PS2. Recoil is involuntary movement, Cone of Fire is when bullets come out of the end of your gun and go a completely different direction than your barrel is pointed.
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