[BUG] Ejection System For The Reaver Did Not Save Me Once When Ejected

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Destroyer0370, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Destroyer0370

    Yesterday I ejected from the reaver when I was being shot by someone, I hit a tree I think(maybe not, I am not sure), and I die d. The individual got the kill, I saw his picture. It should have said "suicide" if the ejection system worked. So I guess in that circumstance(hitting a tree(?)) the game is still registering that I got damage from the attacker, even when I use my ejection system. Fix it please!
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Whats with the buzzfeed title?
  3. Thardus

    If the ejection was botched somehow, say, by ridiculously indestructible foliage, then the person who forced you to eject in the first place earned that kill.
  4. Demigan

    Were you a Bail Assault? If so and you used your jumpjet, you instantly negate your ejection seat (assuming Galaxy ejection seats and Reaver Ejection seats work the same).
  5. FateJH

    Actually, working as intended. In the early game pilots were cheesing each other and AA out of experience so much that SOE added a sticky "last person damaged" timer on players. If you die within a certain delay after being damaged by someone, they get the kill, rather than it being registered as a suicide. This also happens in normal Infantry mode - if you shoot someone while they're on a high structure, and they jump off to their intended suicidal death, the kill is accreditted to the last shot landed.

    There's also two instances where the Ejection System does seem to fail.
    • The first issue is that, through latency, your aircraft is destroyed on the other person's screen before you are animated to have ejected like you have on your screen "close" to when you actually ejected. The timing with respects to latency is not fully understood as far as I know. In this case, the game regards you as having died and you do die upon landing, though i don't know why your client lets you fall all the way to the ground first. Over-all, though, this is actually "correct" behavior - it's the same as dying behind cover because you're still fleeing to the said cover on the other guy's screen when the killing blow lands.
    • The second issue is an actual bug and deals with the game thinking you ejected onto your own plane's collision model, thus "landing" on it and cancelling the safe fall effect.
    Edit: word filter, you disappoint me.
    • Up x 1
  6. Kcalehc

    Also, taking damage from any source (once you exit the craft) sometimes cancels the safe eject mechanism; so flak in particular will often cause it to fail, as the splash may hit you as you get out.

    I would also thus assume that AA rockets could achieve the same effect, if the splash hits you as you exit the aircraft. Not certain as I fly very little.